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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I moved back to Charleston SC in October 2005 for a variety of reasons - feel free to inquire within. I am from Charleston originally but moved away after college for work in 1993. Have lived in Miami, Charlotte, Slovakia and NYC.

You can see what I look like from the pics. ;-)

I am a CPA (aka - Accountant - B.S. in Accounting from the College of Charleston) and I used to be an auditor - Have never done TAXES which most people assume when you say you are a CPA.I am now in my firm's (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Learning & Education group (Masters in Business Education from New York University) where I work as a consultant on the design of learning ane education courses and programs - is not as bad as it reads! ;-)And I do get to travel alot which is nice - so check out my Travel Blog, may just be in a town near you!Check out my quotes and other blogs!

If you care to chat with me, you can hit me up on either AIM/AOL or Yahoo - My screename on both is CarolinaGuy29401

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet individuals with similar interests and frame of mind (though I am not always certain what my frame is! ;-) AND OF COURSE.....

A few of the Celebrities I have seen in person or "met":Madonna, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Alfre Woodard, Mary Louise Parker, Hillary Clinton, Laura Flynn Boyle, Eric Dane, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Seacrest, to be continued....

A little insight about me if you know or meet me:

About Pisces: Pisces, the Sign of the Fishes, is the twelfth and last Sign of the Western Zodiac. It runs from February 19 to March 20, and is associated with the Water Element. The constellation of "the fishes," Pisces is a group of faint stars representing two fish linked by a V-shaped chain. The group fits around the southwest corner of the constellation Pegasus. Although Pisces is regarded as the twelfth constellation of the zodiac, precession has brought the vernal equinox from Aries into Pisces, so that technically it is the first constellation. The Sun enters the sign of Pisces on February 19 and enters the constellation itself on March 11.

Pisces Traits: Governed by a duality, a struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body; Are deeply creative and artistic, with enhanced intuitive abilities; Make great friends and romantic partners; Will easily get lost in a good conversation; Attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good; Not very conservative people so do not be afraid to talk about unconventional or strange things and tell them odd jokes, they will be impressed by that; Are extremely sensitive and loyal; Hard to pin down; Is very mysterious and elusive.

Pisces Strength Keywords:

- Compassionate - Adaptable - Accepting - Devoted - Imaginative

Pisces Weakness Keywords:

- Oversensitive - Indecisive - Self-pitying - Lazy - Escapist

My Blog

PICTURE IT: Miscellaneous Happenings, Thoughts and Observations...

Thought I would just share some happenings, thoughts or observations as they happen or occur to me...Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- *9/7 - Oh w...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 05:04:00 GMT

HEAR IT: Favorite Sayings...Mine and Others...

All:  Started this blog to share some favorite sayings I either hear, read or say myself.  Will give credit where credit is due....Enjoy the occassional read for a brief respi...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 03:32:00 GMT

SAY IT: Some of my Favorite Words...

I subscribe to the word of the day (a geek I know) but thought I would share some of my favorite words - that I already know or learn.  A few I already like to start the blog....others added from...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 07:02:00 GMT

BITCH IT: A Song to Sum It All Up

Well. One of the great things about iPods is that we can randomly listen to songs we have not in ages.  Not just the same 10 or 15 CDs that we used to carry around.  Was on the stairmaster t...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:17:00 GMT

SING IT: Madonna Song Lines...

If you know me a little or know me alot, you know that I have always had an affinity for the Queen of Pop - Rock and Roll Hall of Famer!!! (aka Madonna, Madge, Maddie, etc.).  So anytime I am dow...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 03:30:00 GMT

CONSIDER IT: Where in the world is Joe D?

Many of you could not keep up with me in 2008 so thought I would post my travels again for 2009 so that we can see each other when I am in town or if we happen to cross paths in the same city.......
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:01:00 GMT