Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. profile picture

Sean-1part Awesome Foursome.

Offencive.. thats me! With two cold fingers! Crooked ones at that.

About Me

Bohemian vagabonds - "men with a vagrant strain in the blood, a natural inquisitiveness about the world beyond their doors."
I'm sean alexander. I have 3 friends.. and that's it! they are called imaginary friend 1, imaginary friend 2 and imaginary friend 4.. I killed imaginary friend 3 with a jack hammer so I would have had 4 friends if I didn't do that... sometimes I regret it, but then i think about all the bad times I had with him, and imaginary friends 1 and 2 told me to do it. I met imaginary friend 4 at uni, he's an art-type, he studies art at my uni. We live together, he sleeps on the floor next to my bed, and sometimes I wake up in a morning to find him sucking on my toes, which can get annoying, but he draws me nice pictures to compensate, so i'm not gonna kill him until he gets arthritis and cannot draw nice pretty pictures anymore... just like when my dad got arthritis and stopped playing games with me, I decided I'll just drive him crazy for about 10 years, his sentence has been served. My mum never got arthritis so I had to find another reason to drive her crazy, so i came up with this reason... Once when I was like 8, she thought it would be funny to shave off all my hair APART FROM THE FRINGE!! true story. Ive seen the pictures. Her sentence is on going.
...Enough with the bullshit!
I study criminology and sociology at northumbria uni, gonna look at doing a Diploma in social work as well. I live at Quay Point in newcastle city centre near the mighty river tyne with 5 people, Shoey, Helen, Jenna, Kaz and robyn. It's been funny.. I'll mention a couple of events we've had:
1. Robyn and Shoey got in a fight and their is now a hole in our kitchen wall to mark the occasion permanently. The fight was because one of them smoked a cigarette, the other one didn't approve, an argument ensued, and then the fighting began.
2. We had a big war with our next door neighbours throughout the back end of 2007. This started off nice and playful, we put a condom full of milk (to make it look like cum) on their door handle. They retaliated by spraying shaving gel on our door, so we got them back twice as bad..Everything just escalated, to the point where I egged their door and then threw sugar at it, so it would stick to the egg and be a bastard to wash off.. they later pounded our entire door with wet toilet paper.
Back home in Bradford (born n bred) everything is pretty much the same, we drink most nights at the coni, sometimes go to leeds, sometimes have house parties, sometimes go to bradford and most of the time just drink. It's ace. It's my friends back home that have invented some legendary phrases such as:
1. Shut up, or I'll gag you.........WITH MY BOLLOCKS! (invented by a combination of me, theo and kendy. Kendy said shut up, theo said i'll gag you, and i said with my bollocks, all directed to someone else).
2. Yeah, Ive just pounded her! (by craig)
3. I just spaffed on her (by craig again I think).
I was frigid up until the age of 13, when i kissed a girl at the ice skating ring, and then got booted out because i ran on the ice in my trainers to brag to a friend.. (slightly embarrassing ey?) Once when i was about 6 a girl kissed me in a game of kissy cats and i cried! once when i was 5 i told my teacher my dad had been run over by a bus, just for attention.. a week later was parents evening... BUMMER!
The only time ive ever felt guilty for something was when (as dared by my big sister no less) i ran on the local bowling green during a match and got caught by old men... and got told off by them. I cried. My sister laughed. I am now afraid of old men and sisters.
We should enherit all bulletin powers from those who post the inane twitterings about dyeing one's hair, "She loves me, she loves me not" playground love-cheese, and just about everything else that clutters our inbox -mickey dale (legendary comment)
"Always, try (if you can) to go organic, especially fruit, we at babyshambles always opt for the organic, when at home or touring we take great pride and care into - WHAT'S PUT INTO OUR BODIES." Adam Ficek (Babyshambles Drummer)
I think that'll do me for now. Now I'm gonna get myself some juice and re-write the rest of my profile. (sometimes you just find yourself having too much spare time at university, and time, they say, is precious. Who is they?).

My Interests

Me in girls PJ's prancing about.
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Crime, society, music, drinking, thinking.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. ~ Timothy Leary

There’s a difference between being crazy and being insane. A crazy person will bash your head open with a hammer. An insane person will bash your head open with a dildo while wearing a bunny suit.

No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.

Democracy has been treated as a whore among political words, and most of its regular employers have a vested interest in keeping things that way. ~ George Orwell

There's blood on your legs, I love you!

Things ebb before they flow Just like the summer, needs to have snow We need light, we need dark Before you take off, you must come down Come down by the riverThere is life and then there is none We need moisture, combined with the sun So we can tap-dance Create lights Into the river we climb in at nightMe, Poledancing in leeds

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I'd like to meet:

Myself in 10 years time.
Imaginary friend 5!

Pete Doherty singing Darksome Sea (below).


Kid Harpoon
Camera Obscura
Asobi Seksu
The Moldy Peaches
Adam Green
Kimya Dawson
The Willowz
The Strokes
MGMT (new faves)
The Pan I Am
Larrikin Love
The Libertines
Velvet Underground
The Specials
Beach Boys
The Kills
Chas n Dave
Le Tigre
Sunshine Underground
Kings of Leon
Fionn Regan
Devendra Banhart
Nic Dawson Kelly
Wolfman and The Side-Effects
The Paddingtons
The Cribs
Elizabeth Cotton
Pete Seeger
Simian mobile disco
Bob Dylan
Jimi Hendrix
The Electric Soft Parade
Eric Clapton

Adam Green singing his song Emily (below).


The Dreamers.
Withnail and I




Books of Albion


Pete Doherty
Crazy people.

My Blog

Everything Is Theo’s Fault!!

Ive just come to the realisation that everything is theo's fault..1. Global warming is theo's fault, he smokes, he drives, he doesn't recycle and unfortunately he breathes.2. The war in iraq is theo's...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:59:00 PST

you know you’ve been in university too long when...

YOU KNOW YOU'VE BEEN IN UNIVERSITY TOO LONG WHEN... You actually like doing laundry at home where the washing machines work. Two miles is not too far to walk for a party. You'd rather clean than study...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST

Newcastle! The best city in europe!

Newcastle....SAFE! SAFE! SAFE!1. a girl got raped from the uni halls just up the road from me.2. Last night saw the second of my flat mates shout at me. (see appendix below for details)3. Theo, Craig,...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:59:00 PST

Appreciation of Me!

ABBY:Seany my beloved scrumcious sex god!! Thought I'd show you how appreciated you are as I don't show it often. Your a sly little prankster but you do it in such a way I can never stay angry no matt...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:12:00 PST

The end of an era..!!

today we take a look back over the long era of sean spafford in school. (which has just come to an end).. in this blog we will look at the serious reforms sean made to the education system, and we wil...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:20:00 PST

Best thing abby ever wrote.

Title: R.I.P AbbyAuthor: Abigail Joan Butcher IDate: Some where in the early 21st Century Period.Influences: A fucked up mind, and plenty booze...Here goes.. Thought I'd say byeOfficially gonna get mu...
Posted by Sean-1part Awesome Foursome. on Thu, 11 May 2006 02:46:00 PST