My name is TommyI'm a NinjaI wear my watch on my right wrist, not the left.I have a beautiful daughter named Deja.Starr is my beautiful fiance' and I will spend forever w/ her.I would shed blood/ take a bullet for BOTH of them.My favorite color is red. (DUH!)Im kind of a big deal...sortaI have a fascination w/ Ninja's, Pirates, World of Warcraft, and Midgets.I detest "trekies", emo's, "hardcore" dancing, and Metallica.I play bass, and do a damn fine job of it.I am deathly afraid of spiders, snakes, and yellow lighters.Double rum and coke w/2 lemons is the greatest drink EVER!I have a tough time being so good looking, but I manage.I am Agnostic, NOT Athiest.(There is a HUGE difference)Great metal music makes me wanna punch something.Bad metal music makes me wanna punch myself.I let Justin Timberlake borrow sexy 3 yrs ago, and he just now brought it back, that selfish prick.
Which Religion Fits You?
You don't have specific belief; instead you study many religions, but its not life or death to you. Everything makes some sense and everything sounds somewhat farfetched.
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