carissa leeann gomezz is thaa namee ;;
Love mee orr hatee mee ./
eitherr wayy imm me&& nothinn& nobodyy cann changee thaa .
imm gettinn marriedd soo donn botherr ,
isettledd &itt definatlyy wasntt forr less imm happyy & he makess me smilee thass all i askk forr inn a relationshipp .
ivaluee my haterss .soo thaa moree thaa stepp upp thaa betterr hahaa .
iff yurr drammaa byee .
iff yuurr cooll beanss&yuu thinkk yuurr worthh myy timee thenn helloo ;;
idonn findd manyy peoplee thaa interestt mee so takee thaa chancee buhh preparee tahh be deniedd iff i thinkk yuurr lamee thenn hhaah betterr gett to steppinn .
buhh byee byee for noww.
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