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--P-O Skateboarding's Skater Survey--
Name:: Threy Leach
Age:: 17
Years skating:: One Year
Why did you start skating?: Because All My Friends Were Doing It And I Wanted To See How Fun It Actually Is
What was the last trick you learned?: Switch Varial Kickflips
What trick are you working on now?: Switch DoubleKicks, Nollie Tre-Flips And Other Switch Flip Tricks...Switch Fs 5050s
What is trick you can do best?: hardflip or triple kickflip..idk you tell me which one
What is your favorite...
Flatland Trick?: I love heelflips i don't know why
Rail Trick?: boardslide shuv it out they are great
Set/Ledge Trick?: 5050
Pro?: Andrew Reynolds
Am?: Terrel Robinson
Place to skate?: Shreveport In General
Deck?: Almost But I Skate Slam N City
Trucks?: Venture
Wheels?: Don't have one
Bearings?: Red Bones
Grip?: Don't Have One
Shoes?: Vans Rip Too Easy...I Dont Have A Fav Right now though
Clothing Brand?: I don't know
Pro Team?: Baker is pretty sweet
-Random Skate Questions-
What is the best accomplishment you have ever made skating:: I Can't say because it will always change
What are your future plans with skating?: To Learn Lots Of New Tricks, GET MUCH BETTER
What are your future goals with skating?: I'm not gonna say sponser cuz i like to make realistic goals...but just get real good in general...get that rep up
Anything else you'd like to add?: Skate More
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Skateboarding Survey, 105 Questions.
Your Curent Board
What kind of deck do you have?: Slam N City Ebay Deck
What size of deck is it?: I have no idea
How about your trucks?: Ventures
And your wheels?: Mini Logos
What bearings do you have?: Red Bones
Do you know what hardware you have? If so what kind?: Mixed Up Between Greehouse And Some Of My Friends
Your grip tape?: No Idea
What color grip do you have?: Black
How long do you think this board will last you?: Hopefully Two Months...I have no other decks
Other Boards
What was your first board?: some blank deck justin gave me
And how long did that board last you?: never broke i had it for about four months i guess
Why did you stop using it?: cuz it had no tail and i wanted a pro deck
How many full boards do you have?: none left...
Your "Groupies"
Who do you skate with?: The Hollands, Casey, And Flack
Are they your hommies?: Yeah Man
Do you guys have a logo?: Um Not Yet
Which friend can get the highest?: I don't know
Whos the best ( [: besides you)?: Flack
Whos old school in your group?: We don't do that shit
Whos "new" school?: we all are
Who will probably die from skating?: hahaha i don't know
Who gets fucked up easily?: um me
Whos the most hard core?: i don't know i guess flack
Whos the worst skater in your group?: nobody
Who can do the best trick?: i don't know too many good tricks
Whats that amazing trick?: Um
Tricks (just the easy ones)
How long did it take you to land your first Ollie?: Learned it my first week
And then how long to master the Ollie?: um months
How high can you get?: four boards so far
Any tricks your working on?: yeah nollie tres, switch doubles, other switch flip tricks
Best youve landed?: triple kickflip
Have you mastered that trick on number 35?: what?
What do you wish you could do?: idk? um switch big spin flips haha
Whats your favorite deck?: Pro-Almost Overall-Slam N City Cuz They Are INexpensive
Do you have that deck?: yeah
Whats your favortie trucks?: ventures
How about bearing?: bones reds
And your favorite wheels?: don't care
Hardware?: doesn't matter
How about grip?: doesn't matter
Your favorite griptape color?: black
Your favorite brand?: um almost
Shoes?: anything that tears slowly
And trick?: Triple Kicks, Hardflip, Or tre
Your favorite skate spot?: Um...Stoner Avenue Skate Plaza
How about skate park?: Holy Roller
Favroite trick you can do?: Triple Kicks
Favorite trick you cannot do?: Um Switch Tres
Skate movie?: Baker 3
Pro skater?: Um..Andrew Reynolds
And your local skater?: Josh Dew...Well He Is Kinda Local
How offten do you skate?: ALL THE DAMN TIME
How long have you skated?: a year and one month so far
Do you skate goofy or regulare?: regular
Do you skate vert, flat land, or street?: flatland and street
Whats your favorite size of deck?: not old school or mini...i guess 7.5
How offten do you fall?: occasionally
How offten do you land new tricks?: all the time...i learn new tricks weekly
Should skating be allowed anywhere you want to skate?: of course i think so
Do you think skating could be a career in your life?: i wish...maybe?
Have you broken a bone from skateboarding?: no
Have you ever been sticked up because of skating?: huh
Ever got gum on your wheel(s)?: no
Do you think its gross?: um
How many times have you done something stupid on your board?: i can't think of much things
Whats one of those?: umm
Anybody watching?: um
Whats another one?: uh
Any witnesses for that one?: uh
Ever been called a poser?: yeah
Did you show them off in SKATE?: no they won't play me
Did you beat them?: ...
How many times have you won in SKATE?: a lot
Whats your local skate shop?: paulies
Your skate spot?: my house i guess
Why do you like to skate there?: cuz i learn all my tricks there
Do you get jelouse of your friends?: sometimes
Do your friends get jelouse of you?: i don't know
Are you better then your friends?: nah
Do you keep track of locals?: some of em
Plain on going pro?: making the effort
Are you a hard core skater?: yeah
Tell the truth, are you to old to be skating?: no
Do you wear pads?: no
Do you wear a helmet?: no
Any skating goals?: GET GOOD
About Yourself (Not Really Skating but Oh Well)
Are you sponserd? If so, by who?: no
Who do you WANT to be sponserd by?: something a shop or a deck or trucks or shoes
Whats your shoe size?: ten and a half
And your eye color?: blue
Hair color?: blonde
Eye Color?: umm blue
Height?: 5 7
Hows your attitude?: good
Any hobbys?: video editing
Do you get along with your parents?: sometimes
Do they suport your skating dreams?: not mom
Do you like your life?: YEAH
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