Benito profile picture


If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.

About Me

I'm married with 3 kids: a boy J who's 4(Damb that was fast) a girl Jess who's 12 (and so mauch smarter than me I have to have her update my site) and my wife Pydrah and I have a 2 year old baby girl, Janae. I ride sports bikes own my own business (IF YOU GO TO THE SITE REGISTER YOUR EMAIL FOR DISCOUNTS AND GRAND OPENING INFO)and enjoying lifting weights and training in SHOOTFIGHTING with my friends. Oh and my spelling sucks.

My Interests

And for those of you who have still managed to miss this little bit of information. I own a business!! (IFYOU GO TO THE SITE register your email for discounts and the grand opening) Please Thanks. Love yu puto's.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends and talkin smack with the people I should be seeing on a regular basis but have some how spread myself so damb thin I'm reduced to chopping it up this way. Couples and singles interested in starting a business on the web


I love reggae mostly dance hall, rock rap whatever. as long as it's not depressing. Well because if its depressing music you're probably gunna get depressed. DUH!!
Your Band Name is:
The Bionic Puppets Band Name Generator




Pretty much any show that fixs up cars or houses. my tv's always on Discovery or TLC


All Dan Brown books. Richard Perdue's Daughters of God and for some reason onthe opposite end of the spectrum any black diamond publications books or tripple crown books. (they're gangster books about crime in areas like oakland atlanta newark) love um.


My Wife, Yeah I know ha ha she has to put up with me. But really, For the first couple of years we were together I really didn't try very hard to be the best man I could be. She never asked me to change, She never got upset (that I know of) she just loved me. If in life I look at myself as being a soldier going into battle on a daily basis, she truly is the reward when I get home from those battles. No matter how hard her day has been, No matter how bad things were for her, she never gets negative and only encourages me to fight harder. She is my reason for continuing my struggles to be a better provider father and husband. So... I love her you know? And on top of all that she can cook like a mofo foreal ask Rick!