♥ Superwoman ♥ profile picture

♥ Superwoman ♥

Boredom: the desire for desires.

About Me

Heya! my name is CHANDALAE yups! I'm outgoing and cute. I'm really smart and very honest. I don't like people who are fake and I can't stand pick-up-lines. OH yeah... I believe in God too. I love- piano, tv, being lazy, hanging with friends and family. oh yeah i go to nansemond river high school... and thats about it lol
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Contact Menu from, BlinkYou.comMY NAME MEANS:
Cis forClever
His forHonest
Ais forAbstract
Nis forNervy
Dis forDazzling
Ais forAlluring
Lis forLively
Ais forAmazing
Eis forElegant What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

Don't leave me crap like oooooo mommie u are so sexy let me get ur # NO!!dats not how it works..i wanna no who u r and what u do and if u no me stuff like that i wanna get to no u a lil bit before i hand out my # and again for the record DO NOT use a pick-up-line on me..all u will receive is a regection!

I'd like to meet:

someone who is some what like me and cute and smart and funny. I ALSO LIKE TO MEET GOD AND DEFINITELY YOU!!!!Die for the faint of heart and those sexy mommies like me!


any kind except country and rock
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: black
Height:: 5'3"
Favorite Color:: blue
Screen Name:: which one lol
Favorite Band:: Oooo... to many to name
Favorite Movie:: Oooo... to many to name
Favorite Show:: Oooo... to many to name
Your Car:: sadly I don't have one
Your Hometown:: Hampton VA
Your Present Town:: Suffolk VA
Your Crushes First Name:: wouldn't you like to know
Your Grade:: 11th
Your Style:: comfortable
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: no but i wanna though
Kissed someone in the rain?: um... yeah i believe so
Danced in a public place?: yeah
Smiled for no reason?: yeah
Laughed so hard you cried?: yeah
Peed your pants after age 8?: um..... NO
Written a song?: no
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah
Performed on a stage?: yeah
Talked to someone you don't know?: yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: nope
Made out in a theatre?: yeah
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yeah
Been in love?: maybe
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: um.... brice?
Tell you, I love you?: my mommy lol
Kiss you?: um.... lol
Hug you?: Vernell
Tell you BYE?: Cedric
Write you a note?: Jessica or Vernell
Take your photo?: Tony
Call your cell phone?: John
Buy you something?: My aunt
Go with you to the movies?: um.... Derrick
Sing to you?: myself lol
Write a poem about you?: um... John
Text message you?: James
Touch you?: my brother .... he tapped my arm eww
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: today
Time you cried?: last week
Movie you watched?: this past weekend
Joke you told?: like a ten minutes ago
Song you've sang?: whisper song lol
Time you've looked at the clock?: right now 8:10pm
Drink you've had?: oranage juice
Number you've dialed?: um... idk... Darrell
Book you've read?: Some history book lol
Food you've eaten?: ice cream yum..
Flavor of gum chewed?: hot red
Shoes you've worn?: K Swiss
Store you've been in?: Wal-Mart .... the place to be
Thing you've said?: get out of my face boy
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: nope
Blow a bubble?: yeah
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yeah
Cross your eyes?: yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: i guess
Gleek?: huh?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: i wish
Speak a different language?: kinda sorta
Impersonate someone?: nope
Prank call people?: all the time
Make a card pyramid?: nope
Cook anything?: yups
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: angel I'd stay in heaven lol
I wish ...: I could, I wish I might, wish upon a star tonight
So many people don't know that ...: that I'm really unique and I'm not like other girls
I am ...: smart
My heart is ...: um... I have one? lol
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any romantic scary dramatic movie & i absolutely luv funny movies i luv 2 laugh


GREY'S ANATOMY, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, CRIMINAL MINDS, extreme makeover house edition, CSI, Without a Trace, Living Single, Fresh Prince of B, Good times, Cheaters, Elimidate, wheel of fortune, jeaprody, family fued, girlfriends, eve, what i like about you, america's got talent, medical mysteries, and bunches more lol


I dont read much so I dont really know! LOL


My Blog

Live doesn't suck, it's just complicated

I'm at that point in my life where everything is crappy! lol Ya know when u think u have everything figured out and something comes along and smacks you dead in the head to let you know that you actua...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 03:16:00 PST

A lil bit of info on guys...

I have another thought on boys..... yeah seeing that im an expert and all I have grave stories to tell!!!!     Well.... let me start off by telling you what I hate in a guy. I hate when...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 03:46:00 PST

guys grow up

Ok guys... wanna know some secrets about  gurls? well here it goes.... its ok to act hard when u are around ur friends but when ur special gurl is around please dont be acting different just beca...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:51:00 PST

Tell me right after I leave....

Ok! Dont you hate it when people who are your friends dont know when to shutup... I do (even though I love to talk lol) I mean they're cool and all but they talk about the same stuff all the time and ...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 07:47:00 PST


I'm tired of being the last to know or being lied to!!!! I mean just tell the dern truth whats so hard about that. of course i'll be mad but i wont be as mad if you lied and i had to find out-that mak...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 01:25:00 PST


Man.. let me tell u what im tired of hearing... u got some big boobs.. DUMMIES... dont u think i know that... if u want to say something nice back comment on my eyes or my hair comment on something th...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 06:10:00 PST


So....most of you know that I hate pick up lines. Tell me why this guy at the bowling alley tells me the oldest and cornest pick-up-line ever! He says, "heaven must be missin a angel cux u down here w...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 03:57:00 PST


Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:23 PM Subject: : Learning English, another take tree  Subject: Learning EnglishIf you ever feel stupid, then just read on. If you've learned to speakfluent Eng...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 07:27:00 PST


So...I wonder if people would fly to me if I were really rich. THat's stupid if you think about it. I would hate someone who is rich cuz they are usually a brat and I hate brats. I rather like or fall...
Posted by Boredom comes from a boring mind. on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 03:20:00 PST