Dyal Family Est. 1998 profile picture

Dyal Family Est. 1998

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Jenn I am a stay at home mommy of three handsome boys who I adore. They are the light of my life. I love being able to stay at home with my kids I don't miss a heart beat of them growing up and i love that. There are times where I need to get out of the house and need to get away which I usually spend tat time scrapbooking or going out with my friends and husband. I have lived in florida now for 7 years, its alright nothin compares to good ole Cali! We might be moving to New mexico in a couple of months I can't wait! That just means its closer to Cali!www.MaryKay.com/JDyal"I don't wanna be a product of my environment... I want my environment to be a product of me..."

My Interests

[IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/jendyal/DarrellsW edding025.jpg[/IMG]

I'd like to meet:

An Angel
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I love all types of music! Reggae, Gypsy music, hip-hop, country, blues, like I said I love it all except hard core rap.


I enjoy a variety of movies and television like CSI, ColdCase, Crossing Jordan, House, Prison break, and NCIS. my favorite type of movies depends on the mood that I'm in at the time...(as they say, "it's a womens purrogitive, to change her mind" LOL )


LOve it thank god for DVR!


What ever one grabs my attention and I can read in the carpool lane!


People in combat boots! Even people who previously wore combat boots!