X-Treme,Meaning is to be very extream in getting the gospel of Christ out to the people.He started to flow seriously back in "86", never one to waste a rhyme on topics that don't produce life in the listener. X-Treme began to focus on how to put his new life to the pad.Now his flow has one purpose, that's to point people to Jesus Christ and remind Christians of their authority in Him. Writer/Artist/Producer/and minister of the Gospel, X-Treme will use every gift he was given to get this Gospel out to the people. It's not about the stage and a mic, it's about death and life. When he write, he don't write to impress, he write to inject. Like a dope dealer he wants you to get a dose that you'll never forget.Every opportunity he get he's slip'n Christ in on ya, not ashamed of the Gospel so he rep Christ with no strings attached, just the promises alone with the truth! Some can handle it, some say all types of things.X-Treme is a brother who is rooted and can not be moved by words and other peoples thoughts that don't line up with the word of God. He's here to help start a revival that wont end until the rapture.It's Time Ya'll, believe that!!!.. "; .. ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!