19/09 The Garbage Gang @ BACK T ROOTS party's (JH De Moeve, Lier)
past shows:
11/09 Diablo Blvd. (Terrasrock, Merksem)
04/09 Ionic Vision, Darkmen (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
13/08 Xander De Rycke (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)
23/07 Thomas Smith (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)
07/07 Alex Agnew (Openlucht theater, Deurne)
09/07 Nigel Williams (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)
02/07 Diablo Blvd. (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
19/06 Cro-Mags, Death Threat,
............No Turning Back, Betrayed (Trix, Antw.)
05/06 Shadows III The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Synthetic, Synthetic Dream,
.............Morph Control, Anouk Weber
.............After Party DJ BORG & Friends
06/06 SOL19 LIVE @ BeatiFull Dawn 17u.30(St.-Niklaas)
23/05 Bodybeats Festival (Trix, Antw.)
.............The Neon Judgement, A Split Second,
.............Portion Control, Sheep On Drugs,
.............The Weatherman, Psyche, For Greater Good
02/05 Liquid G. (Kompas, st.Niklaas)
09/05 Shadows II The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Devoted Symbols, SOL19,
.............Cruise [CTRL], Liquid G.
.............After Party DJ BORG & Friends
10/04 3 Jaar Café The Joker (Kavka, Antw.)
.............Alex Agnew, Bert Gabliëls
.............Thomas Smith, Michel Van Peel
.............Xander De Rycke, The Unsubs
.............Dead Fatso, The Joker Allstar Band
.............DJ Lt Castillio
03/04 Shadows I The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Act Dramatik, Darkmen, propulsion
.............Qek Junior
26/03 Diablo Blvd. (Trix, Antw.)
13/03 Agitators (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
06/03 Revco World (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
07/03 Liquid G. (De Moeve, Lier)
27/02 Front242 (Vorselaar)
20/02 Riistetyt, Power Is Poison, Vortex, 't Vettig Front,
.............No Potential Threat (De Koevoet, Antw.)
13/02 Xander De Rijcke, Alex Agnew (Scheldapen, Antw.)
31/01 LuvDump, Asbest, xpress (De Koevoet, Antw.)
21/01 Tamagawa, Straight To Hell, Nastika (De Koevoet, Antw.)
24/01/'09 DAF (Paradiso, Nl.)
20/12 BIM FEST (Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)
16/10 Hellsonics (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
10/10 Tattoos 'n Scars ('t Kerkske, Kapellen)
03/10 The Agitators (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
23/09 The Toasters (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
10/09 Nigel Williams & Alex Agnew (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
05/09 Diablo BLVD/The Kids/Peter Pan Speedrock (Kompas, St.Niklaas)
24/08 Voodooglowskulls (Joc de nartist, Temse)CANCELD
02/08 The Kids/Buzzcocks/The New York Dolls/Sex Pistols
.............(Lokerse feesten)
25/07 Hellcrawlers (Kalmthout)
18/07 Mark Foggo's Skasters (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
03/07 Kim Wilde (place de Brouckere, Brussel)
14/06 Ministry (La Cartonnerie, Reims)
08/06 The Absolute Revolting Neon Maniacs/Portion Control
.............(Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)
01/05 Wire/De Brassers (4AD, Diksmuide)
19/04 Liquid G. (JOC Exixion, Wetteren)
08/03 Hellcrawlers (Fort 2, Wommelgem)
23/02/'08 The Kids/Alex Agnew/Hellsonics/The O'Haras/Paranoiacs
.................Tribute to the old...benefit for the new Lintfabriek
.................(Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)