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About Me

bassplayer SOL19
28/11 SOL19 @ BACK T ROOTS party's (JH De Moeve, Lier)
19/12 SOL19 @ BIMFEST (Trix, Antw.)
SOL19 is a collection of musical recordings, sprouted from the mind of ka(oz), it carries a suitcase of (love)songs from along the way. Starting together with Rat-Project from 1986, SOL19 has been influenced mainly by bands like Joy Division, New Order, The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy, Front242, Dead Can Dance, and from there, so many others. From 80's newwave and electro, through 90's trance, ambient, psychedelic, over hiphop, space and classic. All these styles can often be found into one song, but in such manner that gives SOL19 its typical sound. Over more than two decades, twelve albums were composed, however, unpublished. In the future, they will become playable online.
From 2007, i have joined to play the bass, trying to pull SOL19 out of the cave and get it playing live. As before, Rat-Project plays the synths, while ka is singing.
@ the root of the home truth - Live @ tkerkske (01-11-2008)
Possessed - Live @ tkerkske (01-11-2008)
UnPublished DiscoGraphy
from the inside out
songz 1986 ~ 1997
ups & downs
songz 1988 ~ 1997
songz 1986 ~ 1998
system malfunction
2 sidez:
tsjernobaby and machinery
songz 1995 ~ 1996
songz 1986 ~ 1999
2 sidez:
room-talez and mirror-talez
songz 1997 ~ 2001
through the gate and further beyond
songz 1997 ~ 2006
songz 1999 ~ 2006
frequential impulse modulatorz
songz 1999 ~ 2006
appears on
Shadows In The Dark

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

19/09 The Garbage Gang @ BACK T ROOTS party's (JH De Moeve, Lier)

past shows:

11/09 Diablo Blvd. (Terrasrock, Merksem)

04/09 Ionic Vision, Darkmen (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

13/08 Xander De Rycke (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)

23/07 Thomas Smith (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)

07/07 Alex Agnew (Openlucht theater, Deurne)

09/07 Nigel Williams (Grasstrook Van Immerseelstr., Antw.)

02/07 Diablo Blvd. (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

19/06 Cro-Mags, Death Threat,
............No Turning Back, Betrayed (Trix, Antw.)

05/06 Shadows III The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Synthetic, Synthetic Dream,
.............Morph Control, Anouk Weber
.............After Party DJ BORG & Friends

06/06 SOL19 LIVE @ BeatiFull Dawn 17u.30(St.-Niklaas)

23/05 Bodybeats Festival (Trix, Antw.)
.............The Neon Judgement, A Split Second,
.............Portion Control, Sheep On Drugs,
.............The Weatherman, Psyche, For Greater Good

02/05 Liquid G. (Kompas, st.Niklaas)

09/05 Shadows II The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Devoted Symbols, SOL19,
.............Cruise [CTRL], Liquid G.
.............After Party DJ BORG & Friends

10/04 3 Jaar Café The Joker (Kavka, Antw.)
.............Alex Agnew, Bert Gabliëls
.............Thomas Smith, Michel Van Peel
.............Xander De Rycke, The Unsubs
.............Dead Fatso, The Joker Allstar Band
.............DJ Lt Castillio

03/04 Shadows I The Dark (Bar Mondial, Antw.)
.............Act Dramatik, Darkmen, propulsion
.............Qek Junior 26/03 Diablo Blvd. (Trix, Antw.)

13/03 Agitators (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

06/03 Revco World (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

07/03 Liquid G. (De Moeve, Lier)

27/02 Front242 (Vorselaar)

20/02 Riistetyt, Power Is Poison, Vortex, 't Vettig Front,
.............No Potential Threat (De Koevoet, Antw.)

13/02 Xander De Rijcke, Alex Agnew (Scheldapen, Antw.)

31/01 LuvDump, Asbest, xpress (De Koevoet, Antw.)

21/01 Tamagawa, Straight To Hell, Nastika (De Koevoet, Antw.)

24/01/'09 DAF (Paradiso, Nl.)

20/12 BIM FEST (Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)

16/10 Hellsonics (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

10/10 Tattoos 'n Scars ('t Kerkske, Kapellen)

03/10 The Agitators (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

23/09 The Toasters (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

10/09 Nigel Williams & Alex Agnew (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

05/09 Diablo BLVD/The Kids/Peter Pan Speedrock (Kompas, St.Niklaas)

24/08 Voodooglowskulls (Joc de nartist, Temse)CANCELD

02/08 The Kids/Buzzcocks/The New York Dolls/Sex Pistols
.............(Lokerse feesten)

25/07 Hellcrawlers (Kalmthout)

18/07 Mark Foggo's Skasters (Bar Mondial, Antw.)

03/07 Kim Wilde (place de Brouckere, Brussel)

14/06 Ministry (La Cartonnerie, Reims)

08/06 The Absolute Revolting Neon Maniacs/Portion Control
.............(Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)

01/05 Wire/De Brassers (4AD, Diksmuide)

19/04 Liquid G. (JOC Exixion, Wetteren)

08/03 Hellcrawlers (Fort 2, Wommelgem)

23/02/'08 The Kids/Alex Agnew/Hellsonics/The O'Haras/Paranoiacs
.................Tribute to the old...benefit for the new Lintfabriek
.................(Hof Ter Lo, Antw.)

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