Mayhem Productions, founded in May 2008, is taking the fast lane to bringing Austin the best shows possible! With company members already being plenty experienced in booking many well-known acts, expect big things from this newly-founded company!
Who we are: Mayhem Productions is a festival/concert/show production company. What does that mean? Mayhem Productions rents venues, clubs, bars, convention centers, etc. in the Austin, TX area and brings in many well-known national performers, as well as many young, aspiring musicians, looking for their chance to make it big. Mayhem Productions strives to make all of their events as fun as possible with a comfortable, action-packed setting.
How to help: Like any newly founded company, Mayhem Productions needs as much help as possible! How can you help us? You don't need to have musical experience to know good music. Help us help you! Tell us who you want us to bring to Austin, and help us make our shows bigger and better by telling all your friends about our shows and our company.
Just to talk: If you are not a band or you are just wanting to say hello to please leave a comment instead. Our message inbox is used strictly for business and needs to be organized. We will reply to every comment. If we do receive a message and it doesn't have to do with Mayhem Productions it will be deleted without a reply. We love you!
We are negogiating with new venues in Austin, most of which are more geared towards an all-ages crowd, and we will be back in action bringing you in more awesome bands! stay tuned!