Hi! Our names are Anthony, Jason, Ralph, and Jimmy and we call ourselves Americans Abroad. We're all characters but we do have at least one thing in common and that is our love for playing music together. We'll drive nearly anywhere the music takes us so if you've got any sort of opportunity for us to play, drop us a line! We don't have a lot to say about our music but a few others do, and we figured that it's always more meaningful coming from folks outside of the band anyway...
“I witnessed the first Americans Abroad performance in my backyard. It was absolutely amazing; it was like they've been playing live for years now. They played a few covers and a few originals flawlessly and really got the audience bumpin. These guys are the icing to my pickle.†– Andrew Bezden
“There are occasions where one is immediately able to tell how things will play out. As for the Americans Abroad show, I could immediately tell that I was going to enjoy the show, something that could not be said for some of the other acts. Perhaps going into an impromptu session of "La Bamba," an in-depth explanation of a jelly squirt gun from the Island of Misfit Toys during a pause in a song, or the distribution of fake, plastic bread caused the enjoyment I experienced. It could easily be said that by the fourth song of the set, I was on edge, constantly awaiting a new, fun surprise that Americans Abroad would be so kind to bestow upon the crowd. It was a show unlike any other. The music was good, too.†– Joe Grogg
Perhaps though, Matt Goold puts it best with one short phrase..
"loaves, lamps, and love: Americans Abroad."
We hope to line up some shows and put out some kind of demo or EP soon, so please check back and keep in touch with us! Thanks for giving us a chance!
Hey! Look at our new shirts! $5! Get them while they're hot.
we have about 5 left! grab them while you can!
Oh! By the way... since most of you people are using facebook anymore and frankly, we are too, you can add our facebook group here--http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49678326648. See you there!