"Words And Music" is a compilation of 10 of Nashville's most incredible songwriters, including:
Vince Melamed: "Walk Away Joe"
Lisa Carver: "Bullets"
Craig Monday: "Heaven Is A Small Town"
Karleen Watt: "I'm Not Ready
Mason Douglas: "Home Free"
Brendan McKinney: "Yeah She Does"
Joshua Rush: "I Found Myself Dancin'"
Lucas Hoge: "Dirt"
Ray Sisk: "Memphis"
Cheley Tackett: "Play The One I Like"
Click Here For More Videos From Adroit Records!
Adroit is certainly an appropriate moniker for the newest
kids on the label block dedicated to singer-songwriters.
Founded by lifelong friends, businessmen and music
aficionados, Jim Tract and Tim Boylan.
Tract is a successful music veteran who has worked in all
aspects of the music industry including management,
publishing, A&R, publicity, marketing/artist development,
production and as a songwriter with several cuts to his
credit. He has been linked to the careers of a who's who
of top entertainers including: Jonathan Cain (who went on
to “Journey†fame), Craig Bickhardt, (“Turn It Loose,†“I
Know Where I’m Going,†“In Between Dancesâ€), The
Pointer Sisters (he remixed the majority of their hit
records in the ’80s and transformed “I’m So Excited†into
a mega hit), Donna Summer, Doug Clifford (Creedence
Clearwater), Willie Nelson, Burton Cummins (Guess Who),
Chris Thompson (Manfred Mann) and Wilson Phillips.
Wendy Wilson spoke for Wilson Phillips when she said,
"Jim Tract was Wilson Phillips' first producer. He helped us
to find our sound and our niche in music. He has a very
perceptive edge and good instincts as well. Jim was also
very protective of the three of us, as we were fresh out of
high school and extremely vulnerable in the music industry.
Jim is not only a talented musician and producer in his own
right, but a reliable, real person who has a wonderful
business sense. We will always be grateful for his influence
in our careers."
Tim Boylan states, “The goal of Adroit is to champion
singer-songwriters whose incredible talent may never come
to light in the present world of entertainment and music.â€
Well aware of the historical shortcomings and exploitation of
musical talent, Adroit is dedicated to going above and beyond
being completely fair to their roster of artists. Casey Del
Casino (Adams & Reese, LLP) explains, "I have known of Jim
Tract for more than twenty years and his stellar reputation as
both a record company guy who is a true friend to artists, as
well as a truly 'great song man.' Adroit Records is endeavoring
to create a new platform so that the next generation of truly
great artists will be heard, most importantly they are doing this
with almost no commitment from these new artists which as
any aspiring artist knows, is 180 degrees opposite of the current
industry model. Adroit believes that if the artist is successful
and happy, they will want to stay, and if not they are free to
leave. Jim and Tim have re-acquainted me with why I got in this
business in the first place - it's the love of the music, which
unfortunately, too many of us have forgotten."
Jim Tract: “Ever since I was 10 years old and heard Ray Charles
sing ‘Drown in My Own Tears,’ I’ve been amazed and intrigued
by the power of a well-crafted song. Adroit is in existence today
for no other reason than to find songs of that caliber and bring
them to a public that is starving for the kind of visceral and
emotional experience that they’re not likely to hear on today’s
radio playlists.â€
Adroit's first project is a compilation of ten songs and artists from
Nashville-based songwriters and will be distributed regionally
through niche marketing in select retail outlets along with an
aggressive regional marketing campaign. Adroit is also
implementing an interactive website for its consumers where
downloads will be available.
Adroit also just released "What Matters Most" the first solo CD
by renowned musician & songwriter VINCE MELAMED.
Interested songwriters and retail vendors can visit
www.AdroitRecords.com for more information.
"Words And Music" is a compilation of 10 of Nashville's most incredible songwriters, including:
Vince Melamed: "Walk Away Joe"
Lisa Carver: "Bullets"
Craig Monday: "Heaven Is A Small Town"
Karleen Watt: "I'm Not Ready
Mason Douglas: "Home Free"
Brendan McKinney: "Yeah She Does"
Joshua Rush: "I Found Myself Dancin'"
Lucas Hoge: "Dirt"
Ray Sisk: "Memphis"
Cheley Tackett: "Play The One I Like"