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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am originally a native Trinidadian, who resides anywhere between the DC area and Salisbury NC (depending on how I feel). I have recently been in Germany for almost three months, studying Computer Science over the internet (with RCCC, no shame there) ,while visiting my girlfriend.Overall, Im a nice guy. Although, there are moments where my patience evaporates into a form of primal rage (not so bad, but not far from the truth and extremely rare). I would like to think that I have developed alot over the years, especially since college (shout out to Amy F, Will, Fred, Ryan, Jason B, and Kime for being my intellectual catalysts), but the human perception is so easily clouded. I am usually very open and honest with my friends, but for those I dont know, I raise the bridge. This stipulation makes acquiring new friends a trying process, but is well worth it, for those I call "friends" are TRUE friends.I am currently involved with a girl named Cathrin (by far the most beautiful girl in the world) whom I love very much. She was born and raised in Germany, but studies English, so its not like she doesnt know what shes getting into. I myself have picked up on studying German and although I have improved to the point that I can understand most things, I am no where close to being fluent.In short, I am not Punk, nor am I a Prep. Just because I have dreads, doesnt mean I am a Rasta (respect!) or some idiot off the street who has lost his way. You cannot put me in a circle or a square, or whatever shape prejudice comes in these days. I am neither here, nor there. I am more of one than the other, but never both.

My Interests

I love music and games (Im a huge gamer).


I'll listen to anything but Country. My favorite genres are Calypso (especially the old-school singers like David Rudder and The Kitchener) and Indie-Rock (from Modest Mouse to The Clinic, to Apples in Stereo).


Star Wars (mainly episodes 4-6, the new ones dont have the same flavour), Spirited Away, GATTACA, Condor Man (an old Disney film thats more of a childhood favorite than a good movie), Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Lord of the Rings (all of them), Big Fish, Kung-Fu Hustle, Train Spotting, Donnie Darko, Serenity, Glory, Life Aquatic, Ninja Scroll, Boondock Saints, American Ninja (dont ask), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (and others by the same director), The Incredibles, Iron Giant, Miller`s Crossing, Brick, Motorcycle Diaries, Goodbye Lenin, and Casablanca.


I dont watch much television, but when I do, its the Rome series on HBO that "wets my willie" as they say in the hood!


The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russel, Children of God also by Mary Doria Russel, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Charbon, Lord of the Rings (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), Archie and Friends Comics, and Ender`s Game by Orson Scott Card.


Easy, Condor Man and Nelson Mandela.