singing, dancing, eating, acting, sleeping, jokes of all kinds, movies, listening to music, going to the mall, going to movies, going out to dinner
King Henry the eight, Marie Antionette, Leonardo DeCaprio, Whinny the Pooh, Peter Pan, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, The man who invented post it notes, Mel Brookes, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Louise Rennison, JK Rowling, and others of whom i am too tired to remember.
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Greenday, the beach boys, show tunes, red neck, weird al, oldies, broadway, andrew lyod webber, soundtracks, wut ever pops into my head
everything and anything (except porn)
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I thinks we ownes a telivison set. I'll ask. jk. veronica mars, americas next top model, the simpsons, friends, that 70's show, american idol
i like to read everything.
wut exactly do u mean by a hero. wut really makes a hero a hero. and do i need to name a cape wearing fairy cause if i do then i don't hav a hero. mel brookes is one of my heros.