.:SuMmEr !s @m@z!nG:. profile picture

.:SuMmEr !s @m@z!nG:.

*.:NeXt SuMmEr !s g0!nG t0 Be EvEn MoRe @m@z!nG !n P@n@m@ c!tY Be@cH Fl0R!d@:

About Me

.: Hey there GOrgeous..!m Christine:. .: Im 19 Years 0lD:. .: !'ve g0t an AmAzInG F!ancee, ♥ Jacob Rae ♥:. .: ! ♥ my BESTIE, KATELYN, Shes AwEsOmE and i ♥ Her:. .: I cant wait till Next SUMMER..PaNaMa CiTy BeAcH bEtTeR wAtCh OuT, Here comes Christine, Jacob, KaTeLyN, and her hubby:. .: !m Getting m@rr!ed July 4th of 2009:. .: ! ♥ granny smith apple sn0wc0nes:. .: I ♥ the Ocean:. .: ! ♥ my friend, Kr!sta Lynn Br@dley:. .: !m a sophomore at K!lg0re C0llege:. .: ! w0rk at Spr!ng H!ll State Bank as a teller:. .: ! ♥ sunsets:. .: ! l0ve my new ha!r cut:. .: ! ♥ my car:. .: ! ♥ work!ng w!th my teller w0rkmate, Dav!d:. .: ! cant !mag!ne l!fe w!thout Jacob Rae:. *Quotes* .: ♥ does't always make sense. Sometimes you have to beat it with a stick before you can make it do what you want:. .: Sometimes the best thing a man can do is keep his mouth shut and just listen:. .: Stay strong. Things will work out in the long run. It all happens for the best:. .: The truth was that life didnt always work out the way you thought it should. You could do all the right things and still end up with your heart broken and your soul in pieces. It was what you did about it that mattered:. .: The pain still managed to finds it way through the fog of vodka and whiskey:. .: Pray a little longer, and god will help you find his way to the finish line:. .:One mans junk is another mans treaures:. .: if your lucky enough to make a choice, why not choose happiness:. .: Sexual chemistry is a wonderous thing:. .: Once a woman lets her hair down, there's no stopping her:. .: I dont know where id be without you here:. .: Im not nearly me without you here:. .: everybody stumbles once in a while and needs a hand to hold:. .: Find out who your friend are:. .: My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay BIG and your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold:. .: !m scarred of not be!ng w!th you:. .: Love is like the wind, you cant see it but you feel it:. .: you jump,i jump:. found this love layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com
...::About Me::...
Full Name: .:KaThEr!nE cHr!sT!nE wR!gHt:.
Eye Color: .:Br!gHt gReEn:.
Hair Color: bLaCk!sh/bR0wN
Height: 5'6
Shoe Size: 8-81/2
Ring Size: 6
Heritage: Wh!tE
Graduating Year: 2006 bAbY
Birthdate: @pr!l 20th
Zodiac Sign: TaUrAs
Concert: dIeRkS bEnTlEy..hot..
Best Friend: KaTeLyN bRaDsHaW♥
Crush: JaCoB rAe pEnN!nGtOn
Pet: Cat-nala
Sport: SoFtBaLl
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: nope and WONT
Bungee Jumped: Nope and WONT again
Gone out of the Country: Yes..tijania mexico
Beaten Someone Up: Not Yet
Gotten Beat Up: Nope
Killed an Animal: Yes haha..a bird with a bb gun..=)
Swam in the Ocean: yes ♥ it
Broke the Law: Of CoUrSe
Smoked: YeS
Chewed Tobacco: Hell No
Drank: YeS
Been Kissed: YeS
Been In Love: YeS
Dumped Someone: YeS
Been Dumped: YeP
Broken Someone's heart: YeP
Had Your Heart Broken: YeS
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Of CoUrSe
Broken A Bone: YeS..twice n the same place..=)
Had Surgery: YeS
Had an X-ray or MRI: YeS
Failed a Class: YeP haha..damn college
Color: Hot Pink and LiMe GreEn
Food: Italian
Drink: RoOt BeEr
Snack: CaNdY/GrAnNy Sm!tH SnOwCoNeS
Cereal: Honey bunches of oats with almonds..yummy...
Ice Cream: Chocolate
Candy: AnY
Restaurant: PaPaC!ta!s
Fast Food Place: McDoNaLdS
Store: RoSs
Animal: DolPh!n
Quote: "! ♥ you"
Sport To Play: VoLlEyBaLl
Sport To Watch: FoOtBaLl
Movie: A Walk to remember/ the notebook
TV Show: Anything on MTV
Type Of Music: Country..yeehaw..=)
Band: Lots..
Singer: Dierks Bentley
Song: Too Many to Name..=)
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Love or Money: Love..you can always have love but cant always have money..
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: Dog..i love my new weiny puppy honey..=)
Mom or Dad: both..=)
Truck or Car: truck definitly..
Ocean or Lake: ocean so gorgeous
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google..what the heck is aj?
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: country..quite in the country..=)
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: eyes, smile, body
Personality or Looks: personality, but looks are good too..=)
Hair Color: dark
Eye Color: any really
Short or Tall: taller than me
Romanic or Spontaneous: both is amazing..
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both..love both..
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: happy..in love with my baby..=)
Listening To: i like it, i love it haha..
Wanna: jacob rae
Doing Besides Typing: listening to music and working haha..=)
Thinking About: jacob rae..
Wearing: black pants, white and black top, and black sandals
In Love: Yes..I love my jacob rae pennington..=)
Single: Heck no, never again..=)
Best Friends: Jacob Rae, Krista Bradley, and my mother..=) love you..
...::The Future::...
Career: banker as now
Marriage: yes..Future Mrs. Pennington
Kids: yes 3 hopefully
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Brought to you by Andrea Micheloni .

My Interests

I love spending time with my fiancee of course, he means everything to me..i like granny smith apples snowcones..yummy..the snowcone place is open now..i gotta get me one..i like to go bowling..i love doing anything with my fiancee and friends..i love all my terrificly wonderful friends..Jacob Rae, Krista, Carrie, Rachel, Sarah, Rj, Cody Wright, Dustin, Megan, Destiny, Cory, Stephen and T0ni, David, Katelyn, all of you are wonderful and i love you bunches....=)

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My Blog

apartment,bestie, and next summer

Well..Were to begin..haha...ok apartment..my apartment is almost done..and i should be in by hopefully july..or the middle of july..im so excited and i cant wait..next...my bestie..KATELYN BRADSHAW IS...
Posted by .:SuMmEr !s @m@z!nG:. on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:10:00 PST

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**So today is our year, 365 days, wow. I can't even believe that a whole year has gone by. That fast either. It seems like just yesterday it all happend. But nope, its been a whole year. Hes been so a...
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