Nikos Tsilogiannis, Νίκος ΤσιλογιάνΠprofile picture

Nikos Tsilogiannis, Νίκος ΤσιλογιάνÎ

About Me

When Nikos arrived in the Netherlands in 1976 he came carrying his experience as a drumming mainstay of the Greek rock scene, hungry for jazz, enthusiastically singing Greek folksongs for Dutch musicians looking for new songs to play with.
In the eighties he led several succesfull bands on the Dutch jazz scene combining Greek folk music, jazz and free improvisation. During the same period he developed his talent as a wood sculptor and -painter. Sculpting moved to the forefront of Nikos' activities during the nineties when he captured a big part of Greek mythology in wood in his very personal colourful style.
In the past years Nikos has been able to strike a balance between eyes and ears, picking up the drums and renewing old friendships in music. The Pan project and its first CD have been one outcome of this, with the regular project base of Nikos, Paul, Henk and Tjitze enriched on several tunes by piano and compositions of Albert van Veenendaal.
Nikos Art.
Nikos music.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/05/2008
Band Members: ΠAN PROJECT:

Paul Weiling: alto & soprano saxophone.

Henk Spies: tenor saxophone.

Nikos Tsilogiannis: drums & percussion.

Tzitze Vogel: double bass.

Albert van Veenendaal: piano.

Record Label: LOPLOP
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

šÁ¹Ä¹º® ”¯Æɽ¿ (ĵÍÇ¿Â 155)  ‘ PROJECT

 ‘ PROJECTEL GRECOLOPLOP ¤¿ 1976, ¼µÄ¬ Ä· ´¹¬»Å÷ Ä¿Å ÃųºÁ¿Ä®¼±Ä¿Â œÀ¿ÅÁ¼À¿Í»¹± º±¹ Ä¿ À­Á±Ã¼± Ä¿Å ±ÀÌ ¬»»± µ»»·½¹º¬ Á¿º ÃÇ®¼±Ä±, ¿ ½ÄÁ¬¼µÁ ¯º¿Â ¤Ã¹»¿³¹¬½½·Â ­Æųµ ³¹± Ä·½ Ÿ»»±½´¯±, ÌÀ¿Å ¶µ¹ ¼Ì½¹...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 00:55:00 GMT


Jazzimprovisaties op Griekse wijze& (CD)PAN PROJECT  EL GRECO (LOP LOP PRODUCTIONS, XANGO MUSIC DISTRIBUTION, LLR 026) 2008, 49:33.   De Griekse multi-artiest Nikos Tsilogiannis (°1946, Athene)...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:14:00 GMT