what can I say...
I like to hibernate, sing Italian moto opera and launch G.P.S. satellites using a complex system of hot air balloons & roman catapults made from a 1963 VW microbus.
I have deft balance, weave, leap, frolic and dodge with cat like skill, and yet, have great trouble paying bills.
As an abstract artist I once preformed hamlet in highschool.(during gym class.)
I know the exact location of every yellow item in the supermarket and pilot my shopping cart amongest the isles with unflagging speed. animals trust me.
yesterday I preformed micro surgery on a supernova to alter it's hue.
I can cook thirty minute brownies in twentytwo minutes. children respect me.
four years ago while flurting with a girl in a diving bell, I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I'm a proud owner of a small shiney object. intelligent women haunt me.
I know how to stain most forms of stainless steel.
tomorrow I'm scheduled to undergo open heart surgery to have radiopaque ink tattooed on my right ventricle so anyone with x-ray vision can see my girlfriends name firmly pressed upon my heart.