When someone is asking you to describe yourself. What do you tell them? When someone is asking you to describe yourself in three words. What words can you give? What is the whole use of describing yourself anyway? Finding out by really getting to know me is much more fun. The problem is that people don’t have any time left to really get to know each other. Instead of that, they will judge you by your looks. Therefore, a first impression is all determine.
I’m kind of a loser when it comes down to first impressions. I suck in introducing myself. Meeting someone new is always a bit awkward , because I can’t be myself. Even though I try very hard, I still feel like a geek. A geek who’s trying too hard to be liked, with being funny, not noticing that the jokes on me. The stupid things are always said by me. But still, after all the first impressions that I’ve delivered, there are some people who really got to know me. Friends is what you call them, I believe. They can describe me the best. An opinion from a friend about my personality is as a revealed secret. Nobody noticed it, until it..s been told. All of a sudden people who judged me , look at me differently when they hear that I can be really funny. When they experienced it their selves, they even got to like me. After a while they tell me what they thought of me when they first met me.
Every single person that I know, says something negative when I ask what they found of me the first time they saw me. So you can imagine how bad I am with first impressions. Mostly they think I am some stupid girl, who can..t achieve anything in life. That..s because I can say things that are a bit meaningless. But hey, believe it or not, I..m also human. And saying meaningless things is human.
I’m the type of girl who can say the wrong things at the wrong places. The type of girl who is laughing out loud in a cinema on the moments when nobody has to laugh. The type of girl who’s having a bad hair day and runs into the love of her life. The type of girl who has got her first kiss on a nude beach.I am even the type of girl who succeeded to press the emergency button on my first flight, because I wanted to order a bottle of water. Where are those prejudices now huh?
I bet you can’t tell that by a first impression. Either from a first handshake or greeting.
When I read the assignment of saying something about yourself in 600 words, it sounded quit easy. You expect that your life is interesting enough to fill at least 600 words with. It..s kind of a bummer when you realize that after some 200 words, you’re actually done. So you dig and dig in your head; what else can I talk about? What things can I say without feeling completely embarrassed ? And just when you want to shut down your laptop to cuddle your cat and grab your favorite flavor of Ben& Jerry’s , it comes in your mind that you completely forgot to introduce yourself. And you want to get frustrated and mad at yourself because of another failed first impression. But then you smile. Because the one thing that really needs to be told when it comes down to describing yourself,
is – being bad in make a good first impression- and with a satisfied feeling I open my mouth and say: ‘I am Evelien.’
And those three simple words are enough.
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