Tim profile picture


About Me

i'm an electrical engineer working at the Naval Business Center in south Philly who enjoys basketball, competing in triathlons, lifting weights, nutrition, taking classes towards a Master's in Bible at Philadelphia Biblical University, hanging out with the senior high youth group, eating out, sleeping in, and playing guitar.

My Interests

basketball, body building, triathlons. 3 goals that are complete polar opposites of each other, kinda like a triangle. i love eating chinese buffet and sushi, a 4th opposite, kinda in the center of the triangle.

I'd like to meet:

the 50 greatest basketball players of all time, Jesus.


audio adrenline, jeremy camp, chris tomlin, scc, hillsong, casting crowns, caedmon's call, jennifer knapp, bethany dillon, kutless, THIRD DAY, coldplay


Spiderman 1/2, Hulk, Star Wars, X-men, Batman, Superman, Tommy Boy, Liar Liar, Meet Joe Black, Wedding Singer, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, LOTR, Matrix, Magnificent Seven, Dumb and Dumber, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Brewster's Millions, Fight Club, Boondock Saints


CSI SVU/CI, Seinfeld!


the Bible, Where the Red Fern Grows, Dan Morgan Rifleman, Marine Sniper, The Hobbit


Jesus, triathletes, Josie, everyone in my family