basketball, body building, triathlons. 3 goals that are complete polar opposites of each other, kinda like a triangle. i love eating chinese buffet and sushi, a 4th opposite, kinda in the center of the triangle.
the 50 greatest basketball players of all time, Jesus.
audio adrenline, jeremy camp, chris tomlin, scc, hillsong, casting crowns, caedmon's call, jennifer knapp, bethany dillon, kutless, THIRD DAY, coldplay
Spiderman 1/2, Hulk, Star Wars, X-men, Batman, Superman, Tommy Boy, Liar Liar, Meet Joe Black, Wedding Singer, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, LOTR, Matrix, Magnificent Seven, Dumb and Dumber, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Brewster's Millions, Fight Club, Boondock Saints
CSI SVU/CI, Seinfeld!
the Bible, Where the Red Fern Grows, Dan Morgan Rifleman, Marine Sniper, The Hobbit
Jesus, triathletes, Josie, everyone in my family