"In a 1992 paper entitled 'Why Do People Need Self-Esteem?', published
in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, American psychologist Thomas Pyszcynski developed the 'terror-management theory'. Retail-supported self-esteem is, he argues, 'a shield designed to control the potential for terror that results from awareness of the
horrifying possibility that we humans are merely transient animals groping to survive in a meaningless universe, destined only to die and decay'. To mask this possibility, we have created a society that proffers us clothes to transform us into fashion gods, and kitchen utensils to make us domestic deities. Pyszcynski adds that we may have
no more significance in the universe than 'any individual pineapple or porcupine' - except have you ever seen a porcupine damage the ecosystem with its retail forays?"
That said - Faith Looks Up.
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