-------THINGS I LOVE/LIKE: Music, dancing, my hula halau Ke olu makani o mauna loa, Busted, Mcfly, james bourne, matt willis, tom fletcher, family, friends,running in triangles! thinking, movies, romance, my mp3, stories, alone time, taking chances, jumping up and down, playing air guitar, being cheesy, lip syncing, singing at the top of my lungs, obsessing over things, running in the rain, orange juice, looking up at the stars, dreaming, my room, laughing, staying up,fanfictions,ketchup, the computer, having fun, youtube, traveling, poetry, my guitar, being crazy.........
=)! <
Busted - Sleeping With The Lights On http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc4LMzNns5w
The Heart Never Lies