After the burning down of John West's tuna factory in Manchester, its four most valued employee's were out of jobs. Some tried to get jobs at sealife centre, others shamelessly took up fishing for dolphins in the leeds river. It soon occured to the 4 young men that they should just live like rock n roll stars and go out every night...then they decided to try and actually be rock n roll stars instead of just living like them. Here's the result!
My Interests
Member Since: 11/05/2008
Band Members: (From Left to Right) Tom: Drums and Dolphin Fins Matt: Guitars and Dolphin Bait Chris: Bass and Dolphin Nets Stu: Vocals and Dolphins
Type of Label: Major
My Blog
Town Criers - Each One Comes
Check out this video: Town Criers - Each One Comes Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:57:00 GMT