I'm Steven Ray Blackerby <[b>Black-er-bee].
I'm the vocalist for cowboys versus indians.
My family means the world to me (Including my pets).
Cursing is my main vocabulary.
I pray before I sleep.
Sometimes I'm pretty shy around girls.
I hate talking on the phone.
I love:
- Skateboarding.
- Riding my bike.
- Being outside.
- Trying new things.
- Meeting new people.
- Getting tattoos.
- Getting piercings.
- Going on adventures.
- Going to shows.
- Playing shows.
- Being random.
- Hanging with family.
- Hanging with friends.
- Causing mischief.
- Playing pranks.
- Listening to and making music.
- Watching movies.
- Watching television.
- The color green.
- Eating Gumby's pizza.
- Texting.
- Going on walks.
- Jesus.
- Animals.
- Scary stories.
- Watching cartoons.
- Chillin on the computer.
- Watching football.
- Watching tennis.
- Playing Nazi Zombies.
I love life.
Get to know me more! LETS TALK!!!
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