This is freeking BORINNNNGGGGG!!!
i'll get to the good stuff........
I have a 3-inch penis which is actually quite effective when it comes down to the "nitty-gritty". My middle name is Boris Yeltsin. I shower once every week for 2 minutes exactly and use no soap. I once nailed my hands to the celing when i was young because i was playing spiderman and the floor was poison. I have beat Carol vorderman in a Maths showdown which took place on the Jeremy Kyle show. Once during masturbation i accidently got really excited and broke my bed. I have experimented with beastiality. Sandra Bullock once hit me with a fish. Once i was sitting down and i farted and i levitated for like 3 minutes. God spoke to me once and told me to feed Paris Hilton. Sometimes i wish they would make it compulsary for tennis players to play naked (preferrably womens tennis). My dad is Barabara Streisand. I was once went swimming underwater in the sea and i ate some bread, suddenly i got pulled up by my lip into a fishing boat by these four chinese people who tried to cook me. I have various super powers which i use to fight crime and rob banks. Once during sex i said the words "Boy says mighty big atcha big booty sideorder with curly fries and a 1 puff 2 puff 3 puff 4 puff, what you talking bout willis?". i will die in the year 2163.a