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I take the common sense approach in regard to correspondence with others. I will welcome anyone. What happens from there depends on compatibility. Not everyone is going to like me, and I won't like everyone. Specifically stating there is only one individual I can think of that I would most certainly want to know, and that is David A Jagley (not the correct spelling of the surname). 25:17......

Ancient Rites- Cain

"Life Energy""A peson is a minature universe. In other words, those forces and factors that make up the manifested universe on all levels are also present within the nature of each person without exception. - Ted Andrews "One man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is a World in miniature. - Abot de Rabbi Nathan, Palestine 2nd century."“Jacobs Ladder” it is symbolic of mans transformation, and connection with the universe.”Jacobs ladder was often used to convey the interlocking world of God, the soul and man. In some Hermetic texts, the ladder was depicted as a series of chains, each representing a different "sphere" of consciousness. All of these spheres were linked together, and like man, were each connected to "the true essence of God."Some have viewed the ladder as interchangeable with the concept of “Sephiroth,” The Sephiroth contains the principals of Cabala. Ofttimes depicted as a series of chains, each representing a different sphere of consciousness. All of these spheres were linked together, and like man, were each connected to “ the true essence of God.”~ Genesis 1:26 And God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image and after our own likeness.Hermetic texts, the Sephiroth is symbolic of the world of the divine and the world of material goods. Not only does the Sephiroth comprise the foundation of the universe, but it is also responsible for mankind as well.One of the most famous alchemical illustration of chakras and their ‘planet seals’ was conceived by Johann Georg Gichtel (1638–1710), an Alchemist from Regensburg in Germany. According to the description the picture depicts an “entirely earthy, natural, sinister man; in stars and elements” and shows how “the wheel of planets, in seven diabolical seals, is laid down on the soul”. At the time, a planetary wheel was described as the course of the seven stars around the earth. In his illustration Gichtel arranged the seven classical planets on the human body and assigned each of them to one of the seven vices or deadly sins, such as pride, stinginess and jealousy. Gichtel wanted to demonstrate the circumstances under which – more precisely under which chakra-relation – the planets evoke negative aspects in man. This planet-chakra-resonance corresponds to the lowest state of vibrancy, the Nigredo."WHAT IS IT?" Heck if I know... I took them one after another. In a series of six pics. In the other four it wasn't there. It is not my hair, I had it pulled back in a pony. It's not smoke. It was taken on a investigation at "Zombie Road" with a paranormal group I no longer investigate with anymore. The site was a trip. About one and a half miles of abandoned road. We were there in the heart of Autumn. Temps in the mid sixties, all over were flashing lights, that could have been confused as lightning bugs, however it was way to out of season, who knows what they were about. The place is known for it's shadow people. Here is a link if you interested in reading more about Zombie Road., thy soul is a living star! ~ Egyptian Book of the Dead~The Papyrus of Ani"The Book of the Dead," is the common name for the ancient Egyptian funerary text know as Spells of the Coming (or going) "Forth by Day." The book of the dead was a description of the ancient Egyptian conception of the afterlife and a collection of hymn, spells, and instructions to allow the deceased to pass through obstacles in the afterlife.

Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece Of Heaven (OFFICIAL)

~ Maat ~Was the Ancient Egyptian foundational concept of order, law, morality, and justice she was defined as a Goddess. Maat was seen as being charged with regulating the stars, seasons, and actions of both mortals and the deities, she had set the order of the universe from chaos at the moment if creation. Maat's masculine counterpart is Thoth and their attributes are the same, like Thoth, she represents the Logos of Plato. After the rise of Ra they were depicted as guiding solar barque, one on either side.Her primary role in mythology dealt with weighing of the souls that took part in the underworld. Her feather in her headdress was the measure that determined weather the souls of the departed would reach the paradise in the afterlife succesfully..Nuit is the sky goddess. Nut is Goddess of heaven and the sky, mother of many deities, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Ra, the sun God entered her mouth when the sun would set and was reborn from her vulva the next morning. She also swallowed and rebirthed the stars. She was the goddess of death, and her image is on the inside of most scarophagi (stone coffin). It is stated the the pharaoh entered her body after death and was later resurrected. "Book of Law," the sacred test of Thelma written or received in 1904 by Aleister Crowley. Nuit is the speaker in the first chapter of the Book of the law. In art she is depicted as a woman wearing no clothes, covered with stars.Within this system, she is one-third of the triadic cosmology, along with Hadit (her masculine counterpart), and Ra Hoor Khuit, the Crowned and Conquering Child. She has several titles, including the Queen of Infinite Space, Our Lady of the Stars, and Lady of the Starry Heaven. Nuit represents the infinitely-expanded circle whose circumference is unmeasurable and whose center is everywhere (whereas Hadit is the infinitely small point within the core of every single thing). According to Thelemic doctrine, it is the interaction between these two cosmic principles that creates the manifested universe.Ra, Khepera, Atum (morning, noon, and sun) at night he is Osiris and his eye is Thoth, the moon (as his eye is the sun by day). Egyptian mythology has Ra or Re, as the Sun God and King of all Gods. He sails across the heavens in a boat called ‘Barque of Millions of Years’.At the end of each day Ra dies, swallowed by Nuit, and sailed through the night in the netherworld, where he would fight the monster Apep, and others Sebau, Nak of whom would try to keep Ra from emerging by day again: the eternal battle between light and darkness. The boat would sail through 12 doors , representing the twelve hours of night time. The next morning Nuit would give birth to him. So each night the Sun God would die and each new day he was born again.Ra was the greatest of Egyptian Gods, and he kept his power and his secret name, which only he and Isis knows. As Ra started to grow old, he would sometimes dribble. Isis collected some of his saliva and made it into a snake. She hid the snake where Ra would walk, When Ra trod on it, it bit him, and Ra screamed out in pain. All the Gods gathered round, but none could heal him. Isis said to him “ If you tell me your secret name, this will give me enough magic power to heal you.” Ra didn’t want to do this but eventually the pain became to much, so he told her. Where as Isis healed him, and has the magic power that Ra does. Isis only knows Ra’s secret name and she has never designed to share it with anyone else. "Homage to thee, O thou who risest in the horizon as Ra, "thou restest upon law unchangeable and unalterable. Thou "passest over the sky, and every face watcheth thee and thy "course, for thou hast been hidden from their gaze. Thou dost "show thyself at dawn and at eventide day by day. The Sektet* "boat, wherein is the Majesty, goeth forth with light; thy beams "are upon all faces; the [number] of red and yellow rays "cannot be known, nor can thy bright beams be told. The lands "of the gods, and the lands of Punt* must be seen, ere that which "is hidden [in thee] may be measured. Alone and by thyself thou "dost manifest thyself when thou comest into being above Nu*. "May I advance, even as thou dost advance; may I never cease to "go forward as thou never ceasest to go forward, even though it be "for a moment; for with strides thou dost in one little moment "pass over the spaces which would need millions and millions of "years [for men to pass over; this] thou doest and then thou dost "sink to rest. Thou puttest an end to the hours of the night, and "thou dost count them, even thou; thou endest them in thine "own appointed season, and the earth becometh light. Thou "settest thyself therefore before thy handiwork in the likeness of "Ra [when] thou risest on the horizon."

My Blog

Alien Speak Easy

 Whoa, totally friggen way out of left field dream...  So it is six am, I have had a total of maybe five hours sleep in the past... pfft 36 hours.  I have conquered the nightmares or so it would seem ...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 05:34:00 GMT

Night Terrors

3AM 3/2It is quite likely that because I stirred my subconscious mind up a bit just recently,that I will be dealing with nightmares for a short unpleasant period of time.One thing that I have come to ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:40:00 GMT

"Uncle Bud took his life by a bullet to the head"

I was visiting my Mother-in-law today.  She is one of my favorite people.  Intuitive to the extreme she is.  Loves a good paranormal chat.  Three of her favorite people were the aunts, and they are of...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 02:56:00 GMT

" A Soft Masculine Voice is Like Absinthe to Me"

Somewhere between the conscious and the subconscious with my mental state winding, I lay swollen with child gripping the pillow of my hospital bed on the edge of panic. Barely on the cusp of reality I...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:33:00 GMT

"Lucifer," he states ... "He is coming." "Oh thats just peachy." I tell him...

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM 1/7 hypnopompic hallucination I am in a dream most of which is a bit of a blur except the last part...  I am partially awake so I am in a lucid state, I can see I am...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 22:14:00 GMT

"At every Ending there is a Beginning"

3:30 PM   I don't very much believe in such things&  or at least I don't entertain the idea, anymore.  I guess at one time I believed such a concept were true, when I was younger. ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:53:00 GMT

"Whoever possesses the lance will rule the world."

Spear of Destiny The holy lance was used to pierce Jesus side during his crucifixion (blogged under St. Longinus). Gospel of John 19:34- " But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a lance, and i...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 16:40:00 GMT

St. Longinus

  Longinus was known to be the centurion of whom pierced Jesus side & The Romans planned to break Jesus legs as he hung on the cross, a practice known as crurifragium&which was a method of haste...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21:10:00 GMT

A little Girl

Not much to this dream ...  Lasted all of about five minutes.  It is the second time I had it.   It is a little girl about two or three, in the first dream she was sleeping in a fi...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 00:24:00 GMT

Mythology/Dream "Lilith, Adams first Wife"

This dream I actually had in this past summer.  I typed it up for a friend of mine, and the topic came up in one of the groups I belong to and I dug it up.  It features Lilith.  Th...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:29:00 GMT