Hi My name is jimmy..I'M SINGLE & LOOKING
You can instant message me on AIM, My Screen name on AIM is "Dayum Dood".
I enjoy all kinds of rock music, and I hate pocket change. I'm not sure what purpose I've got here on earth but I know that whatever it is it will reach the masses. I've had my experiences through tough times, I'm a shoulder you can lean on. I'm Christian. I love the guitar and playing music, its basically my passion. I dislike people who are judgmental about certain ridiculous things. I hate Murfreesboro with a passion. I've also learned a lot about relationships, and how ignorant those people are who are in high school (no offense). Give me something new to do, or think about. Sorry that I'm only explaining things in short sentences or run-ons, I'm not really abrupt or anything in person. I just don't have much to say about myself lol.I kind of enjoy the fact that I have no direction, but at the same time I'm kind of brought down by it. But I guess That really doesnt matter. There is one important thing I've learned in my life so far, and that is how you cannot please everyone, and I mean I know you feel obligated to be nice to everyone all the time but ITs really not worth it in the end considering about how gutless and pig ridden almost everyone is that you will meet these days. And I'm sorry If you are offended by anything on this site of mine. Also If you know me and i dont know you and you see me in public, please introduce yourself I love meeting new people. Everyone seems to just say that they know me from somewhere or something and I always give them wierd looks, but i dont mean to do it to be mean I just get confused. Lol. Cmon Baby Give Me the Creeps.
Politics are hilarious. And I Dont care who you are or what you say, George W. Bush Jr. IS a FUCKING IDIOT. haha.
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Click the guy holding the milk to comment me.
MyGen Profile GeneratorThis Girl Is Awesome!!