A twin of some sorts profile picture

A twin of some sorts

HMMMM......Ulter EGO a href=http://www.pimp-my

About Me

I'm outgoing and thats all you need to know for now


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My Interests

Not alot deal with it♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Pimp My ProfileI LOVE LIFE
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I'd like to meet:

People i guess wat else is myspace for really


Everything, music is my life


A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: Jenny
Nickname(s): Evod, Ulter EGO
Age: 18
Birthday: 16th feb
Birthplace: South Africa
Current Location: Perth WA
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Multi coloured
Height: come find out
Weight: Pfft u wish
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Aquaruis
What Do You Drive: Holden Barena
Screenname: Twin of some sorts
Color: Pink
Number: 16
Band: Heaps
Music Genre: Heaps
TV Show: Heaps
Movie: Soul Survivors
Actress: Sarah Michelle Gallar
Kind of Movie: Horror, Comedy
Cartoon: None
Sport: Hockey
Fast Food Restaurant: subway
Food: anything
Ice Cream: caramel
Cereal: none
Candy: any
Drink: anything really
Alcoholic Beverage: none
Quote: life is long so just live it
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 1
Have any pets: 2
Have a job: yes
Have a cellphone: hell yea
Have any special talents or skills: nop
Have any fears: yes CLOWNS
Have a bedtime: hell no
Sing in the shower: yes who doesn't
Want to go to college: yea but i won't
Get along with your parents: yea most of the time
Have any piercings: yes ears and belly
Have any tattoos: nop not yet
Swear: fuck yea
Smoke: hell no
Drink: nah
Do Drugs: use too
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: i am now
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Are you single: nop
Are you in a relationship: yes
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
Ever been dumped: yes
Ever dumped someone: yes countless
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: black
Lights On or Lights Off: lights off
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: car
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
French Toast or French Fries: french fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: muffins
Winter Break or Spring Break: HUH? I have no break
Hugs or Kisses: kissies
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: yes and its horrible
Smiled for no reason: hell yea
Laughed so hard you cried: lol heaps of times
Talked to someone you don't know: yea but nothing to chat about
Drank alcohol: yea who hasn't
Done drugs: yea agen who hasn't
Partied 'til the sun came up: nop not yet
Gotten a ticket: yes stupid train gaurd
Been arrested: nop not yet :P
Been convicted of a crime: nop
Been in a wreck: no and not ever i hope
Been out of the country: yes i lived out of the country
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: NOP
Ever TP'd someone's house: nah not that rebal
Ever egged someone's house: yes one egg
How many languages do you speak: 2
Who do you compare yourself to: my sister
Ever regret anything: yea heaps of shit
Do you like being tickled: no i hate it
What are your goals: to acheive getting a job and having money
Are your fingers tired: nop not yet
Are you tired of this survey: nah keep going
Are you happy: yea i guess so
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Charmed. Buffy The Oc Anything magical Supernatural Smallville Shit like that


don't read



Could i have heros, NOP