Benjamin=the son at his right hand profile picture

Benjamin=the son at his right hand

You crossed the great divide, you took our place, you offered up your life, though we had failed, th

About Me

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone is worth meeting i guess. I'm up for meeting people from all walks pf life, learning from them and in same event have an epic time. But there are a few people I would personally like to meet....but if I were to have it my way I would love to meet Captain Jack Sparrow Joel Houston from UNITED Michael Guy from UNITED and Get your own Myspace Contact Tables here!


Makes the World go Round...never get tired of saying it. Music is not a thing, it's a living force. You breathe it, you feel it, and you live's a lifestye. Anything Rock..pretty much heavy, punk, classic stuff, ska....and it's relatives..blues and reggae. Classical music and contemparary are on my top lists....but Rock takes the cake.


300 was it!!! Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future II, Pirates of the Carribean, Batman Begins, Spiderman 1 and 2,


no thanks


The Bible, Green Eggs and Ham, the Little Enguine that could(I'm half way through that one), Winnie-the-Pooh.


Jesus; my saviour my God, my Dads, those unmentioned people that go around the world leaving commodity and risking their lives preaching the Gospel. And for our boys out their serving and protecting out counrty.

My Blog

Friend had this, thought it was dope: I'm from Maryland

I'm from MARYLAND. We're not from the South, nor do we have an accent. We're also not New England- we're the Mid-Atlantic. It's soda, not pop with my sub, not a hoagie. I go to the beach, not to the s...
Posted by Benjamin=the son at his right hand on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 12:20:00 PST