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Holly Dolly


About Me

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Forget what you've heard. You know nothing about me.
Some Things i'd like you to know...
. I am a massive geek.
. I'm a bit weird and quirky.
. I love 50s everything.
. I drink Vodka, Jerry Rum and Strawberry wine.
. I'm origionally from Geordie Land but have lost most of my accent now.
. I fall over or break something daily.
. I want to travel the whole world!
. I have a vulgar sense of humour and a complete potty mouth. But not in a common way. I'm just very straight talking. Much to my friends amusement.
. I sort my own problems out. I don't get other people to do it for me.
. DON'T play games with me. It's boring and I can see right through you.
. MEN - Dont wear an XL tshirt if you're the size of a fucking newt. You will look like a complete wanker.
. I don't like it when people publically embarass people it's juvenile.
. If you piss me off I absolutely will not hesitate to tell you.
. I cannot cope with hyper scene kids.
. I'm half Irish (YES I actually am. 'Leary' for fucks sake), part Spanish and part Norwegian and proud of it!
. I like camping and summertime ALOT.
. A city view at night leaves me breathless.
. I know more about you than you realise but if I told you why, you probably wouldn't believe me.
. I'm a very empathetic person and quite literally 'feel' the physical or emotional pain the people I love are going through. I care alot and notice so much people being selfish or inconsiderate.
. I have had an amazing life so far and feel truely blessed everyday. You'd probably be shocked if you knew everything i've got up to.
. Oxfordshire is the most unfriendly place on the planet.
. I'm always creating something arty and I always want to learn new things.
. My Grandma left me her beautiful thoth tarot cards and i'm learning how to use them properly.
. My glass is definately half full :)
. I love Halloween
. I read Take A Break magazine because its so shit its good.
. I think seeing an old couple holding hands is the most beautiful thing in the world. And a lifelong happy marriage is the greatest achievement of all time.
. I want to live in Brighton and drink Tuaca everyday.
. I like to wear Bindis alot.
. My favourite music is rock, Metal, Acoustic, Dub, Ska, Reggae, Elecro, Irish Folk, Rockabilly and 50s Swing. And no I don't care what you think.
. I know nothing about fashion and nor do I feel the need to stick to one style or to dress like a Sailor. I look like i've been dragged straight out of the 50's most of the time but that's just me.
. I wish I looked like Bettie Page but my head will do just fine for now.
. I have no desire at all to be skinny. I think being curvy is much more attractive. I'm proud of my big cans!! Lol.
. Boring, wishy washy people offend me. The world is HUGE and I don't know how it is humanly possible to not be truely passionate about something interesting.
. I don't want to meet you if you prance about like a fucking ninja to hardcore music and think getting wasted all day and ruining your life makes you cool. Go fuck a dog.
. Don't be a cock tease. You're embarassing to watch.
. I'm known for my super strong instincts.
. Grime music is the worst noise I have ever heard in my life. If ASBO was a sound then that would be it.
. It irritates me wildly when people talk using words like 'Innit, Blud, G, Boi'. Stop it because you sound like a dickhead.
. If you're not funny, Dont try to be.
. I love people who never cease to amaze me.
. I really don't like blonde hair and if I had a choice i would go dark brown!
. I have no time for bullshit people politics. I have been brought up to try hard not to be two-faced, jealous, or a gossip. Your bark can bite. And the people of Banbury definately need to keep their fucking noses out of everyones business.
. I believe that great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss only people.
. I've made mistakes but I learn from them and I have no regrets.
. A sunny Fairport Festival with my best friend, boyfriend and favourite people around me is my personal paradise.
. St Patricks day is my favourite day of the year!
. If heaven was a taste, it would be Strawberry Wine.
. My house smells of Nag Champa constantly, there's buddhist prayer flags in the garden and there's always a musical instrument being played. The TV is hardly ever on and I love it that way.
. I feel sad seeing huge, fashionable or shite tattoos on people probably too young to know themselves properly.
. I love the word shite :)
. I think drugs are the most uncool things on the planet. Take whatever you want but you will bore me if you 'brag' about it publically.
. I have Pagan views and celebrate Summer Solstice, Yule, Samhain etc.
. I hate chavs who can't accept different youth subcultures and who think they have the right to physically or verbally abuse somebody because of their appearance.
. If someone who means nothing to me doesn't like me then I don't particually care.
. If I could dress in fancy dress every day I definately would!
. And I'm sorry to everyone who wears them (and you all know what i'm gonna say).... But I really HATE those bloody little thai hooker shorts!! Haha. Nautical fashion and disgusting HUGE gold jewelry coming a very close second.
. Im a big believer in Karma. I pay for my mistakes. And so will you.
. I now truely know the meaning of 'Seize The Day' but I definately know that the people we have loved and lost are ALWAYS around us :) So say hello once in a while!
If you're innocent as hell, ACT IT. If you're not, then don't act innocent. BE YOURSELF. The whole world can see right through you. Dont take your personality traits from other people. There's nothing worse than a quiet person who acts rowdy to cover it up.
The Nicknames: Dawson, Holly Stiffy-Boner, Dolly, Witch, Hols, Smash Queen, The dirt, Holly Chaos, Hollypop, Peach, Carwash, LeeLee, Lil, Lily, Lary Leary, Fatty, Fanny, Tits, Holly Polly Doodle, Molly, Wolly, Doll. (Very rarely is it just plain old Holly).
HUNTING - killing innocent animals for self-gratification is no different from killing innocent people for self-gratification. Nobody hunts just to put meat on the table because it's too expensive, time consuming and extremely inconsistent. The animals breed twice as much to make up for numbers lost so there is NO excuse for it. An animal is living any way it can just as you are. Dont kill it because you are angry that it has killed something else. That defeats the object.
My Favourite Words: Vile, Shite, Dickhead, Shit Off, Old Shit, Tit, Wizard, Bad Man, Cider, Fishy, Ball-ache, Dog Turd, Cunt, Gunt, Booze, Bumhole, Shithole, Big old, Moody, Gaffa, Beef, GAME OVER.
Believe it or not this is me in a nutshell. I'm always getting told off for having too much shit on here but I just have too much to say! I'm pretty complicated. And afterall you don't have to read it. I'm opinionated, Open Minded, Passionate, Emotional, Artistic, Naughty, Northern and I fucking LOVE IT! :) I never have been and never will be a prissy little bitch.

RECENT TRAVEL JOURNAL/PICS: http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/HollyNick/
I've just got back from South East Asia and we had the most incredible time. I Will never forget the beautiful and the sad things I saw, it has changed me forever. My page is dedicated to the beautiful people of Cambodia. One day you will get the social security, health and happiness that you all deserve xxx
Add the NACA Orphanage to your friends! (in my top friends) or go to WWW.CAMKIDS.ORG and spread the word about these wonderful kids we visited who need help! £5 gets a street kid in Cambodia through school for a YEAR. We spend that on a vodka and coke

Back to basics.
Over the last year or so I have realised who my true friends are. I have had quite a few unexpected shocks regarding people and how low they can truly stoop, even in the most shocking of circumstances. I am not wasting my time with insincere time wasters any more. With people who can't swallow their pride even for a second, with attention seekers, with people who change their friends like the weather, with judgemental, jealous people who can't bear to share their friends, with people who dislike somebody just because they're more attractive than them. You sad bastards. lol. With people who slate others constantly just to make themselves feel better, With people wo can't make up their OWN minds about someone, With people who blame me for somebody elses mistakes, with people with NOTHING interesting to say, with people who won't stand up for the ones they love, with Jekyll & Hydes, Jealous or insecure bitchy girlfriends/boyfriends of friends, with pessimists and incescent moaners (cheer the fuck up), with people who don't even realise that what they have done is wrong, Or with aquaintences I know will probably never turn into friends.
This may all make me out to look a bit pessimistic when infact I'm quite the opposite! Just a bit unlucky and unwilling to waste my time.
Im not perfect myself but I pretty much just want a quiet life. There's not enough time on this earth to be a bitch. There's much better things to worry about like the people I love, the state of the world, being charitable and just having a fucking good time while I'm here!
I'll give someone a second chance but they will NOT get a third. If I offend a few people on the way then that's a chance I'm willing to take. Life is too short.
BUT!... the people I share most of my life with RIGHT now are some of the most incredible, intelligent, interesting, courageous, creative, caring, beautiful, amazing, one in a million people you could ever hope to meet. And NOTHING. ELSE. MATTERS. More of these people please...

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I am the type of person who will stand up and act when no one else dares. Especially if something is just plain wrong. It doesn't happen often but my actions are rarely unjustified. Stand up for what you believe in! There are too many fence sitters around in this world. At least you can't call me two-faced or careless.

"We are all born for love... it is the principal existence and its only end"

Your career and material possessions don't make you cool. Your personality does.... And there is nothing more boring than a really beautiful person with NOTHING to say.
There is also nothing worse than a beautiful person who ruins themselves by being a cunt. even the most physically attractive people can look ugly as a dog because of their actions. What a fucking shame.
"I live my life for those I love and those i've lost"

PLEASE be aware and be careful that the stuff you're using to look pretty has not killed or tortured animals before it got to your face... NEVER EVER SHOP AT THE BODY SHOP. THEY SOLD OUT TO LOREAL, ONE OF THE WORST OFFENDERS FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY. Numerous companies produce outstanding cruelty free products, but be aware that just as many refuse to adopt humane testing policies. Buy LUSH products (they're better anyway) or Sainsburys own makeup, Marks & Spencers beauty range, Urban Decay, Barry M, Hard Candy and Lee Stafford hair products are just a few goodies. If you're up for it and stuck for ideas get yourself on www.naturewatch.org and order a free copy of 'The Compassionate Shopping Guide'. That will tell you everything you need to know :) and don't eat meat or eggs etc unless it is organic. It's totally impossible to swap everything, just be more aware if you care about animals.

Other stuff written in my heroes section. But my friends and family are my world. And I thank you all for keeping me sane, making me laugh, getting me boozed, supporting me even with my crazy ideas, slapping me when my ideas are just a bit too crazy, and just generally being wonderful. You know who you are!
...The second weekend in August. Every year.
"Pagans make the best of friends, they worship the ground you walk upon".
PS. I am the clumsiest person you will EVER meet.
Fuckin get on it.

Hello. I'm Holly Leary :)

My Interests



PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, My mostly eccentric but wonderful friends, My awesome Man, family, gigs, boozing, rock n roll, Game over, Art, 50's everything, burlesque, pin ups, fake eyelashes, Geisha flicks, japanese girl shoes, red lipstick, well done and thought about body art, good piercings, twirlers, shit sunglasses, the stars and astrology, festivals of all kinds, camping, getting naked at work...
dancing, fancy dress!!!, friendly people, travelling, (Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia) One of the best things I ever did. Culture & Religion, Summer, TALKING IN SAM (cock boy) & HOLLY (Smash Queen) Language. GAME OVER.
thunderstorms, city lights, watching people fall asleep on the bus, Hippy everything, Nag Champa, blood red roses, Sunflowers...
vodka & Redbull (LARGE ONE), STRAWBERRY WINE! Ammaretto, jagermeister, Sailor Jerrys, Baileys, Champagne, Booze in general...

Singing, the seaside, snow, smiling, seeing hot air balloons in a sunny sky, photobooths, lush products...
(VEGAN AND NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS... And better than everything else!)Gorecki, Weekends, my gorgeous Ragdoll kitten Hendrix...
And when he falls asleep on me, daydreaming, kissing, holding hands, people with ideas and true passions, roadtrips, Brighton and *Tuaca*, good Graffiti, tai-che, yoga, spirituality, Individuality, Freedom, playing guitar, eating out...

Indian chai, cocktails, geeky stuff, Old wives magazines! (Chat, Take a Break! haha shh!) surprises, Halloween and pumpkin carving...long train journeys out of town, decent rock/metal/indie clubs & pubs, house partys, wild partys, old pubs with cats & homemade wine, Being an absolute screaming hippy just like my mum and dad....

falling asleep cuddling Nick, nice underwear, PAGANISM, polka dots, tarot cards, crystal healing, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, astrology, Faeries, sex, erotica, fetisha, torture garden, Lucid dreaming, unusual silver jewelry, My origional home TOON...good VEGETARIAN FOOD...
thai food, indian food, italian food, FOOD, cooking, dandelion & burdock, St Patricks day... (I'm half Irish I go mental!)
animals and the fight against animal cruelty, HUUUUGE sunglasses, feeding crisps to hedgehogs, good conversation, laughing, love, life, making memorys and feeling inspired... THE IMPORTANT STUFF!!!

NO LOVE TO: Losing things/people you love, racism, homophobia, cunts, cowards, games, rahs, REAL HAIR EXTENSIONS. Someone elses hair. On your head. Fucking RANK.(Also PLEASE take in mind that some poor woman in europe or asia may have been forced to cut off her beautiful hair just to feed her family) bitchy girls, unfriendly people, my curly ringlet hair that takes forever to straighten!, The fact that I don't see someone in the street etc unless they shout right in my face haha. Im not rude im just in a dream world! fashion victims, shoes that rub, Being judged before even being spoken to properly, eating off plain white plates..lol TWEAK!, Bowling, hangovers, boring people, slags. Try to be proud of your genetics. MOST people have SOMETHING attractive about them. (unless they're arseholes) RnB, 'funky house', rap, hip hop, this weird 'dizee rascal' and 'Plan B' or whoever he is type shite. What the fuck is with that?! Its like ASBO music! Hahaha, people who are obese because they eat too much shit, people who starve themselves or puke to be skinny (please get help), Margaret Thatcher, MEAT, mushrooms, coriander, working, cows, I have an IRRATIONAL fear of Chunuk helicopters. Dont ask. Unnaturally perfect teeth scare me :(, being patronised, being skint, wasps, animal testing/cruelty, FOX HUNTING and shooting for fun, yuppie scum, little rich kids with no morals, greedy millionaires who do fuck all for charity, corporate whores, Banbury - Nothing happens, nobody comes. Nobody goes. It's awful.

And there is nothing more boring than a really beautiful person with NOTHING to say.....

I'd like to meet:

Everyone I've loved and lost on the ledge...

"Meet on the ledge, were gonna meet on the ledge. When my time is up im gonna see all my friends..."

Shine on you crazy diamond. I miss you and love you Matty xxxxxx "His love has flown into every flower grown and we must be keeper of the garden"

No game players and time wasters!!! My profile is pretty much my friends only and I have most of the people I need! But Ofcourse I'd never turn down meeting some truly like minded souls..... People who can get hammered and talk more shit than I can. Get on it. People who can put up with my tweaks, offensive sense of humour, slightly dark side And passionate, neurotic nature. And artistic, spiritual, interesting, friendly, lovely, genuine, quirky, happy people. Risk takers and people who love life and LIVE IT!

I dont often add people I dont know to be honest. If at all. Message me first or you will get deleted. I have no interest in having a friends list of 1000 people who I've never met & have nothing in common with. Or with having 90 comments on each picture telling me how *beautiful* I am. Everyone says that to everyone on here. Beautiful is a very strong word to say to someone and shouldn't be used willy nilly.

NO BANDS. I will not add bands unless I know you or you're a favourite. I respect your efforts but this is a place for my friends.

Myspace is an amazing and cheap way of keeping in touch with people. I don't want to meet you if you think its all bullshit but you still have a profile. Shut up. Bugger lugs.
Agree? Then feel free to say hello but please don't be offended by my potty mouth.

BUT BUT BUT... if you've got something genuinely interesting to say, you're a straight forward kind of person with balls!, you're an optimist, you have a filthy sense of humour, you know what the most important things in life are and you truly appreciate them, or you're lovely jubbly and maybe a little bit mad, go ahead.
Make my day.



Rock, Folk, Indie, Metal, Dub, 50's Swing, Rockabilly, Punk, Ska, Reggae, Trip-hop, 80s, Electro, Acoustic, Irish, Big Beat Etc...

Favourite songs right now

Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody, Be Somebody, Sex On Fire.
Deftones - Everything.
Johnny Cash - Hurt, Solitary Man, Hey Porter, Walk The Line.
Fairport Convention - Who Knows Where The Time Goes?, John Gaudie, Crazy Man Micheal, Ye Mariners All, Youngest Daughter, Im Already There, Meet On The Ledge.
Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole.
Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone.
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock, Urge For Going.
David Bowie - Lets Dance.
Bob Dylan - Hurricane.
Bob Marley - Redemption Song, Could You Be Loved.
Bright Eyes - First Day Of My Life.
Lamb - Gorecki.
Thom Yorke - Black Swan.
Capdown - Positivity.
The Constantines - Soon Enough.
The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again.
Suede - Animal Nitrate.
Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time.
Devendra Bahnhart - This Beard Is For Siobhan, Chinese Children.
AC/DC - Back In Black.
Dolly Parton - Jolene.
Duran Duran - The Reflex.
The Amelie Soundtrack.
Flogging Molly - Tobacco Island.
Jose Gonzalez - Hints.
Connells - 74-75.
The Kinks - Shangri-La.
The Knife - Like A Pen.
Editors - Munich.
Nik Kershaw - The Riddle.
The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York.
Rancid - Fall Back Down.
Scott Matthews - The Wasp And The Jar, Dream Song, City Headache.
The Slackers - Have The Time.
Squarepusher - Tundra.
Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm, Tonight Tonight, Bodies.
30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday.
Ane Brun - True Colours
Enter The Haggis - Martha Stuart
The Stranglers - No More Heroes
The Distillers - Drain The Blood
The Levellers - Riverflow, The Game
Madness - One Step Beyond
Editors - Munich
Ryan Adams - La Cienega Just Smiled
Eileen Barton - Baked A Cake.
Shirley Temple - Polly Wolly Doodle, I Want A Hippo For Christmas, On Account'a I Love You.


Porn. Spinal Tap, Amelie, School Of Rock, Lars And The Real Doll, Requiem For A Dream, Gia, Stigmata, The Labyrinth, The Goonies, Tank Girl, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, What about Bob?, City Of Angels, Weird Science, Cocktail, Brokedown Palace, Memento, 28 Days Later, Alice In Wonderland, House On Haunted Hill, Happy Feet!, Patch Adams, The Beach, The Eye, The Da Vinci Code, Snakes on a plane


Sugar Rush, Stoppit & Tidyup, Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Osbournes, Newlyweds! shh ;) MEET THE BARKERS, The Office, The League Of Gentlemen, Wife Swap, Neighbours, Weird real life documentarys about feeders and diseases etc, The Simpsons, Rick Stein, Eurotrash. Apart from that TV is RANK and I hardly ever watch it.


CURRRENTLY READING: Smoking Poppies. Books with scratch n sniff pages. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist, (and anything else by him), Lonely Planet guides, The Crystal Bible, Sharon Osbournes autobiography, Life Of Pi, 1984, Does anything eat wasps?, Is it just me or is everything shit?, Around Ireland with a fridge, Take A Break magazine!! The lethal cocktail recipe book, Dr Suess - Green eggs and ham. Classic.


"We are stardust, We are golden, And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden" - Joni Mitchell.
"Do what thou wilt" - Aleister Crowley
TAMLYN - My amazing, intelligent, beautiful best friend since I was 3 years old Tamlyn has had such a huge part in creating who I am today. The memorys we have created together are ENDLESS. Fairport, folk music, and her being sick on me at infant school ;) haha. I love her to death. I wish she was nearer so I could see her every day. She means the world to me, no matter what happens. Always has, Always will. X
Samuel Smart (THEMEGADEATH) - For being a Carwash gonk ASBO Bastard! GUTTED. My partner in crime. But also for making me laugh constantly, being the most creative person I know, for CONSTANTLY having fucking incredible (and bizarre) artistic and musical ideas and for managing to always have inspiration even in the shithole that is Banbury. This cunt is going to be famous one day. WATCH OUT!! And ofcourse for always being there. Who else do you know who will rack up on your birthday with a homemade CD of Bulgarian folk music? Genious. X
My beautiful boyfriend Nick (AKA Burgers) has been incredible to me in the last two years. He is my soulmate and I adore him. He cheers me up just by being the beautiful person that he is. I aspire to be as a good a person as him one day! We have been through such a great deal unexpectedly already and he has unconditionally been there for me through everything. There's no drama, no big arguments, no petty jealousy, or anything like that. Ofcourse we bicker as much as any couple but we have the BEST laughs together travelling away to amazing places for long weekends :), getting drunk together and always doing crazy stuff... We're solid as a rock, And Nothing can ever change that. I wake up next to him almost every day and I never want that to change. I am a very lucky girl
.... And thankyou for the beautiful roses that are now on my MySpace background :) xxx
MY GIRLS! EMILY (the poo thrower) for never ceasing to amaze me with her filthy and hilarous stories. The most controversial 'vicars daughter' you could ever meet. She could write a book. DAWNY PRAWNY for being gorgeous, caring, hilarious and dappy as hell. AILIE for being the most beautiful person I know and having a heart of pure gold. The sort of person who would let even her worst enemy into her home!! being off with people just isn't engrained in her personality! And all of those guys for being such loyal friends for all these years even through the real shite times and for giving me the best camping, drunken and hilarious naughty memories to grow old with :)
JO who is a fairly new friend but one I hope to hold on to for a very long time :) a beautiful and strong person with a heart of gold. This girl WILL be a famous model one day!
MY MUM for giving me the best possible life, for being the best nurse/carer any old person could ever wish for, for putting up with my mood swings as a teenager and for loving me unconditionally XX
MY COUSINS EMMA & JONO for always being supportive of everything I do and keeping my motivation going!, for putting up with me when I was a cheeky little shit as a kid, for being so caring and for cooking up the best damn meals in the world (served with lots and lots of vodka) :)
PETE N PAULA for being the fucking most hilarious people to party with (White Cottage crew!) but also for being such kind and warm, amazing people. These two are one in a million! Always there for us. Friends for life whether they like it or not :)
MATTY MACPHERSON even though you have now passed on to a better place you were one of my best friends in the world. I spent the best years of my life with you and the rest of my Downfall brothers and i will always miss your crazy smile, hair scruffs, disgusting cocktails (earwax) and the nights me and you used to spend in your music room trying to outdrink eachother then we'd wake up covered in gaffa tape :) You knew it was gonna be a good night if Matty was out! LEGEND! I miss you so much! But I know you're always still around. I'll see you on the ledge. Thank you for the messages :) x
ALL of my friends infact (you know who you are) and my family. Also the people I have lost and will ALWAYS love. You are all a part of who I am. I have you all to thank. You mean the world to me.
"I live my life for those I love and those I've lost".
Geoff from Byker Grove. Sharon Osbourne. Swampy. Dave McKean. David Lachapelle.
These people are my inspirations.
Charity/Aid workers and people who spend their own lives trying to make other peoples lives better in one way or another. The beautiful and inspiring people on the streets of Cambodia, one day you will have the social security system and happiness you deserve. People who respectfully excercise the freedoms people died fighting for. People who lose everything but still have the courage to live on and learn to smile again. These are the worlds real heroes.

My Blog

"I want to see the world" My travelling wishlist x

As you all know I have just got back from travelling in S.E Asia and this is my list of the places I now want to see in the world :) Travelling is a massive part of who I am today. I am obsessed with...
Posted by Holly Dolly on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 06:05:00 PST

For Matty, Fergus and Simon xxx

This is a Fairport Convention song that my best friend Tamlyn found and I wanted to include it on my page also as a dedication to Matty, Fergus and Simon. 3 close friends who I have lost in the last c...
Posted by Holly Dolly on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 03:59:00 PST

RAHS please read!

Its very very rare you will find me moaning about something like this but coming from up north you notice this stuff more. Ive just got back from a bad run in in town and..... Basically you make livin...
Posted by Holly Dolly on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:31:00 PST


What a fucking weekend....       Dean & Cat   Tim   Olly Tim & Dean   Me & My Boys!   I LOVED these things...     Me & Miss Geordiel...
Posted by Holly Dolly on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:40:00 PST


Part 1: The Birth of YouWere you a planned baby?: Well thats what they tell you. But when your dads a rocker and your mums a hippy you never know these things...Were you the first?: The first one to s...
Posted by Holly Dolly on Sat, 13 May 2006 05:52:00 PST