multi_talented_ant_eater profile picture


wen i was born ma mammy sed i was a babby prossy

About Me

i am 16 n weird ask ma mam, brothers or mates(which i have got kinda i pay em). i like watchin things dry such as paint and watch ainsley sniff random people. i have some mint mates n u cud be one of em

My Interests

i like to do allot of things which include talkin, eatin, sleepin, listenin to music, flirtin n overall bein me. Sorry missed one out drink i cant do any of these things without it.

I'd like to meet:

sum1 hu doesnt think i weird


i Like allot of stuff like rock and stuff but by my pic it obvious i like nirvana. I like blink, greenday n loads more. Music is my life if u play me a decent tune i will like it but i dont like rave n monkey n stuff they are just poor shit.


wow thinkin about it anythin wit johnny depp in will suit me great. I like the crow with brandon lee n i just found out he actually got shot on the set of the crow on the church scene. I just found dat out. I love musicals n stuff coz they are so fake n guess wat! everyone in the musical make believe school's are proffesional dancers lol. The best film i have ever scene is Blazen Saddles n that is coz it is so skittified.


TV is not my life but i like to watch sitcoms n shit coz they actually weird n funny. i love kids cartoons coz they are fun to giggle at. My favourite program has got to be Daria coz she is just so dull n her sister is so ..................plastic.


i have currently rote a book called ainsley is king starring ainsly and if u send me a tenna in the post u can av it with exclusive pictures of parts of ainsley you have neva seen b4


My hero has to be ma DAD i guess lol even tho he just weird lol. My proper hero is Barry Gibb from the bee gee's coz no offense to him but he has to have his /sum1 elses hands down his trousers squeezin so he can reach the squeeky notes. I guess my 2 brothers are my other heros because i am proud of em and they influence me to do wat they think is right for me. i luk up to them because they lived such fun forfilled lifes n i just guess they are wat i call real mates. By the way stuy if u read this maybe u can cum to see me as i aint seen u for about 3 months n i miss u. Dean just continue bein u n dont let anyone change you coz u is ma brother n i luv you both.

My Blog

waht do you think of me

soooo.. I'm really bored... fill this out.. I'll love you forever if you do! ^.~     1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Height: 4. Fave Color: 5. Fave Movie: 6. Fave Song:7. Fave Band: 8. Most Embarassing ...
Posted by multi_talented_ant_eater on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:52:00 PST


i am quittin quitten smokin once again as i am in dire need to have a mutant cigerette. tell me wat u fink of my new task. 
Posted by multi_talented_ant_eater on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 03:45:00 PST