-kristelicious- profile picture


happy new year everyone!!hello 2008!!yikee!!=p

About Me

pEopLe usUally miSuNdErsToOd bY mE. sOmE aRe gLaD tO sEe mE, bUt mOstLy, thEy aRe sO rEsEntfuL. ThEy jUsT cAnt aPprEciAtE mE & mY bEaUtY. Of cOuRsE eVerYbOdY hAs diff. pErcEptiOnS, sOmE pEopLe thiNk thAt Im bAdLy-bEhAvEd, nOiSy or a biTcH. Well, tHinK whAtEvEr yOu wAnT, sAy whAt yOu hAvE tO sAy, I will sTill dO whAt mAkEs mE hApPy, As loNg As I dOnT lEt dOwN aNybOdy. EithEr yOu loVe mE oR yOu hAtE me. I'm A diReCt pErsOn, I stAtE whAt I hAvE iN miNd w/o hEsitAtiOn. I mAy ApPeAr tO bE brUtally hOnEsT, bUt I eXpEct likEwiSe. I loVe siMpLe tHiNgs iN liFe, & Im tHaNkfuL foR whAt's uPoN & whAt iS giVeN. I cAn bE yOuR bEst fRiEnD oR yOuR wOrSt aDvErsArY. To My fRiEnDs, Im sOmEoNe thEy cAn cOuNt oN. I dOnt tReAt eVeRyOnE eQuAlly, nOr dO I giVe eVeRybOdy thE sAmE leVel oF rEspEct. ThEy wOuLd hAvE tO eArN thEm. I cAn bE a liStEnEr & a gOod aDvisOr yOu chOoSe. I'm pAtiEnt, bUt dOnt pUsh mE tO thE liMit, uNdErStAndiNg bUt dOnt pUsh mY bUttOns. I stAnd bY mY wOrDs aS wEll aS I stAnd bY mY grOuNd, thOuGh Im a littLe iNdEciSiVe; a biT hEsitAnT 'cOs I tRy tO mAkEs thiNgs riGht. BUt I knOw whEn Im wrOnG & I aDmiT it. Im rAndOm, sArcAstic & cocky pErsOn, bUt I cAn bE sEriOuS whEn I nEed tO bE. I rArEly driNk, dEmAndiNg, eAsiLy iRritAtEd, stubbOrN,uNruLy,& etc. (wOrDs cAn nEvEr sAy enOuGh abOuT aN iNdiVidUaL, sO nEvEr jUdgE hAsTiLy). Im A mOodY pErSon. I LovE iTaLiAn fOoDs. I lOvE cHocOlatEs & aNytHinG sWeEtS! Im a sHoPahoLic. ActUally, Im a loViNg pErsOn. I dOnt rEally liKe bittEr pEoPle oR pEopLe whO liVe wiTh hAtrEd thAt thEy aCcUsE oR nAmE othEr pEoPle. OthErS mAy fiNd mE a biT cOmpLicAtEd, bUt yEt Im siMpLe. "wHat ThEY SeE AnD sAy AbOUt Me DoEs NoT DeFiNe WhO i am iN ReALiTy. WhAt'S SaiD iS MeRe OpiNiOn; FoR WhAt'S iNeViTabLe iS hiDdEN witHiN ThE dEpths oF mY sOuL. OnLy i cAn teLL mY OwN aUtHeNciTy" So, iF eVer Ill giVe A gLiMpSe oN yOu, yOull sUreLy hAvE a thOuGht oF mE. It mAy bE gOoD oR bAd, I dOnt rEally cArE. Well, its mE... kRiS...dEaL wiTh iT!!;)

My Interests

watching movies specially suspense/horror, stroll in mall w/my friends, listening 2 my fave music, surfing d net, barhopping, meeting new people, taking pix, certified chocoholic!!i love shopping, flip flops, swimsuit, thongs..

I'd like to meet:

i'd like 2 meet people hu r friendly, nice, cool, easy 2b w/, nd true people...


Create a playlist with this song on ..
Rnb, hiphop, alternatve rock, love, trance, pop.......


Scary movie 1,2,3, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings,Pirates of the carribean, Van Helsing, American Pie, Final Destination, Silent Hill, Texas Cahinsaw Massacre, Jeepers Creepers, Premonition, The Maid, The Ring, The Grudge, Apocalypto, 300, nd lotsa more...


MTV, HBO, MYX, cartoon network....


im not fond of books, im into magz,ayt??

