Rage of Divine profile picture

Rage of Divine

About Me

The many past years marked the creation of the band Rage of Divine in latest form. At the time of guitarists quest of gathering the musicians for creating the band, he already recorded two demo albums with more than 120min of instumental progressive rock music. They are called Heavy meditational music and Lucid Dreams. As finaly grouped with ambitious drumer at late 2006 and basist in early 2007, the band started with performing few songs from Lucid Dreams and later on by composing some new, fresh material. And as finaly the vocalist Alen joined the crew in mid 2008, we were down to rearange songs to vocal form. Then for a while, the band was on hold at all musical activities as finaly in autumn 2008 the band was dissolved.This site is preserved as a memorial and is no longer active. Thanx for all the support.I'm taking now my own musical path and I assure you, you'll hear from and obout me again. David S.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/05/2008
Band Website: www.rageofdivine.net
Band Members: David Sladovic - guitars, Riko Gregor Hirsl - keyboards, Marko Kolaric - drums, Marko Trebovsek - bass, Alen Horvat - vocals.
Influences: Many progressive rock and metal bands...
Record Label: /
Type of Label: Major

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