LTC Randolph C White Jr Speech
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I am most interested in anything to do with my faith, but I am also very adventurous & love to try new things. I love participating in life, not watching it go by. I believe in creating a future for myself, not waiting for the future to arrive. I go through life with direction, not coasting aimlessly. Whether you know where you're going, or you're going "nowhere in particular" you will certainly get there! Lack of focus & direction ruins self esteem and makes people feel like failures. Find someone who is in life where you want to be. Learn what they know & aim for that place. But when you get there, don't get complacent & just start "coasting" again. You may just coast into the wrong lane of traffic & get run over!
I'd like to meet:
Valiant men & women who stand up in the face of mediocrity & go from wishing & hoping to dreaming & planning, from dreaming & planning to acting on that dream & plan. People who sacrifice personal comfort & selfish desires to make a positive impact on the world, to become more than average. People who may stop to shed a tear & grieve over a situation, then they get up & they DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! What is more inspiring? What could be more valiant or heroic?
Jesus Christ was such a man Who gave up those creature comforts to ensure we have a better life, more than that - a better eternity. He gave up everything so that people who don't deserve anything can have eternal life. WHAT GREATER EXAMPLE IS THERE OF VALIANT HEROISM???
I'm eclectic when it comes to music. I like R&B, Jazz, Blues, Alternative, Classic Rock, Easy Listening, Classical Music, Celtic, Ethnic music (all over the world, unique sounds), Latin (salsa,merengue, reggaeton, bachata) but my primary enjoyment is Christian Contemporary, Gospel, and Worship.
I do enjoy movies from time to time. I like chick flicks, adventure, drama, romance. I don't like obscene, insulting or dumb humor. I don't like scary movies, but I do like a bit of suspense. Most of all, I like inspirational movies - movies with a purpose & a message. That make me want to get out of my seat & go make something of my self.
Why watch life when you can live it? I don't watch much TV. I feel my brain just melting away as I watch & then after I've watched, I feel bad for wasting my life in a zombie-like stupor. TV tells you what to think so you don't have to do any thinking for yourself. TV is the opiate for the masses & a control mechanism for crazy activists to get the general population to accept their insane views. I will not be borg. I will not be assimilated! :P
Now, Discover Your Strengths; Sassy, Single and Satisfied By Michelle McKinney Hammond; How To Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie; Think & Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill; Retire Rich, Retire Young By Robert Kiyosaki;
Most importantly - The Holy Bible - By various authors - One Influence
My heroes are personal mentors in life who took their valuable time & energy to guide me & to tell me what I needed to hear, not necessarily what I wanted to hear. And, of course, if you've read the rest of my profile, you'll know that my biggest hero is the Messiah, Jesus.