Metropolis is composed of Cory Wright and Andrew Moore. Wright is a Fine Arts major at Herron School of Art and Design; while Moore attends Indiana State University as a Music Performance major. The band aims to blend an ecclectic mix of styles ranging from Ambient music, to Classical, to Post-Rock.
The band is based in Greenwood, Indiana. Wright performs with a Casio Privia keyboard and a Korg Micro-Synthesizer. Moore performs with a four-piece Pearl drum kit, Sabian cymbals, CB Glockenspiel, and various other percussion instruments.
Metropolis was formed in March of 2008. With their backgrounds in art and music, the group set out to create an amalgam of the two. Using this mixture, the group orchestrates music that is not bound to any one style. This is the composite that creates the unique sound of Metropolis.