Uncle Buck & The Kid (New Single) profile picture

Uncle Buck & The Kid (New Single)

About Me

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Member Since: 10/05/2008
Band Website: www.unclebuckandthekid.com
Band Members:
follow UncleBuck58 at http://twitter.com..My baby girl, Megan LeAnne, is putting together a concert set for July 11, 2009. There will be a couple of national bands, as well as some local bands. She is donating ALL PROCEEDS to the Humane Society of Southwest Washington. She is working very hard on this and needs everyone's help, if you can. At this point, she will be renting the sound system and covered staging for a crowd of 1000+. She needs help with donations to pay for the expenses in front of her. Presently she has put out her own money. It's starting to add up, but she only works 10 hours a week, plus a full time student in high school. ANY AMOUNT YOU CAN SPARE, PLEASE HELP MEGAN. Feel free to verify the event with Jayme Mah at the Humane Society of SW Washington by phone @ 360-750-0847 or via email at [email protected]. I have left a convenient donation button to make it easy on you.Thanks - Waynehttps://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow& SESSION=-EpfOOdKv_9GtVtQwRmShlwKYq1UHIrRvp1HGS2zn_003hzRuyuH ou2vAlK&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f998ca054efbdf2c29878a43 5fe324eec2511727fbf3e9efchttps://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webs cr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5794938
Record Label: IFH Records / Budda Productions
Type of Label: Indie

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