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The Name Is:
In His Backseat
Getting My Boogie On!!!
"Very creative and artistic"
Am i taken...
"By the only one that was wild enough to tame me!"
"Love is like being in heaven with the right someone"
"My love for you goes beyond what I could write"
A Few Words
"I would rather be hated for who i am, Then loved for who i am not....."Be yourself, Imitation is Suicide"....Whats going on with all the people in this world trying to be someone they are not???... Well, it looks like you have floated into my world, I'm 26, I'm a woman not a naive teenage girl..I know what i want in life. Life isnt about clubbing all day and all night or who's wearing what or who is she or he dating now. Life is about you and only you! Threw the year's i have let allot of friends go because i have realized "friends" come very once in a blue moon. There comes a point in your life when your tired of chasing everyone trying to fix things, Its not giving up...its Realizing that you dont need some people and the drama they bring with them. So if you got my trust, Dont loose it...If you got my love,Dont abuse it! The value of a friend is priceless. When you find a good one...Cherish that friendship for life. I'm a very interesting person to get to know, some might say im pretty crazy, loud and loving person...But hey like the Clipse say i aint a "MR ME TOO" like half of these low life superficial California people, Talking about "i work for Tv shows" "I'm friends with celebs" "i got a benz" "I'm a model...
{"LET ME CLEAR IT UP I AINT NO MODEL...AND I SURE AINT TRYING TO BE ONE..."} when you really work a domestic job and live in a trashy Apt with mom's... see i dont front I work for Sprint as a Communications Coinsultant, But guess what Im getting outta here! Im working on it...Unlike these Mr. Me Too's. In five years while everyone is still talking about what they want, Im gonna be what they want to be. I have goals and i will accomplish each and everyone of them.
Johanna Booty
Backseat Boogie Relative Street Wear & Apparel... is in connection with the Automotive, Music, and Entertainment Industries. THIS IS NOT A SEGREGATED CLOTHING LINE!!! It pertains mostly to the everyday events, moments in time, memories, and sexual stunts that we all do in our RIDES
from time to time wheather it be a car, truck, bike, go cart whatever you have, people do it every single day everywhere and anywhere...all the time!!! BACKSEAT BOOGIE RSA CLOTHING is not just a name, its a happening, and a way of lifestyle with a strong concept...ITS TIME TO WEAR IT AND MAKE IT AWARE TO EVERYONE AROUND US! WHERE YO SHURT AT!!!?.... For ordering of Decals, and Debut Logo T-shirts, please inquire via private message or comment section.Other styles are pending.
BiTcHs LoOk @ My PaGe
LiKe ItS tHeIr FuCkIn' HoRoScOpE!!!
"WoMeN wOuLd RuN tHiS wOrLd...If ThEy
WoUlD sToP
tRyInG tO fUcK eAcH
oThEr OvEr AlL tHe TiMe..."
iTs AbOuT mE...i'M sUcH a GoRgEoUs BiTcH
WhAtS gOiNg
On wItH AlL tHeSe GiRlS iN tHiS wOrLd TrYiNg To Be SoMeOnE tHeY aRe NoT???... wElL iT lOoKs LiKe YoU hAvE fLoAtEd InTo My WoRlD, sO wElCoMe... HeLlO eVeRyOnE, mY nAmE Is JoHaNnA..yUp YuP i KnOw JuSt LiKe ThAt ChIcK
fRoM rEaL wOrLd...I hEaR tHaT sHiT aLl ThE fReAkIn TiMe! Im NoT A pErFeCt GiRl...
My HaIr DoEsN't AlWaYs StAY iN pLaCe... I lOvE tHe CoLoR pInK...My FaVoRiTe WoRd Is
FeTcH...lOl...iM pReTtY cLuMsY aT tImEs...I lOvE dAnCiNg In My UnDeRwEaR...i LaUgH
aT tHe StUpIdEsT tHiNgS...aNd I aLwAyS sAy ThE wRoNg ThInGs At ThE wRoNg TiMe Or MaYbE iM
jUsT tO fReAkIn BlUnT... iM vErY oPeN mInDeD...i LoVe AtTeNtIoN...i Do WhAt I WaNt, ItS nOt WhAt
PeOpLe ArE sAyInG...iTs AbOuT mE...i GaVe Up CaRiNg WhAt PeOpLe ThInK...i Do My ThInG...
i JuSt WaNt To Be WoNdErFuL."tHe BoDy Is MeAnT tO bE sEeN, nOt AlL cOvErEd Up." "SeX iS pArT
oF nAtUrE....i Go AlOnG wItH nAtUrE." "gOd GrAnT mE tHe SeReNiTy To AcCePt ThInGs
I cAnNoT cHaNgE, tHe CoUrAgE tO cHaNgE tHiNgS i CaN, aNd ThE
wIsDoM tO kNoW tHe DiFfErEnCe...AnD i Am NoT iN tHiS wOrLd To LiVe Up To
YoUr ExPeCtAtIoNs...ANd YoU sUrE aInT hErE tO lIvE uP tO mInEs...
YoU aRe YoU aNd I aM i AnD iF bY cHaNcE wE mEeT...yOu'Ll SeE wHy...
I aM sO lOvEd...By MaNy...BuT dOn'T gEt At Me WiTh ThAt LiL. kId BuLlShIt, I'm A gRoWn-AsS
"INDEPENDANT WOMAN" i AiN't GoT tImE fOr ImMaTuRe FaKe-AsS pEoPlE...
iF yOu AbOuT iT tHeN gEt At Me. If YoU aIn'T tHeN kEeP iT mOvInG.
sPrEaD tHe LoVe...
BeSt FrIeNdS
NiKkI...We've been friends for quite some time now, and sometimes I wonder why it happened and how when we first met,I'm closer to you than to my own mother. I'm so glad we became friends because I know it'll last till the very end. We've stayed friends through a lot, and you're the only true best friend I've got! People always talk behind other people's back- They like to tell the lies instead of the facts. That's not how we are though. I've never said your a slut or ho, because none of that is true, and then I wouldn't be a true friend to you. You don't tell lies about me. You keep everything a secret no matter what it may be. You know more about me than anyone, and you're always there to have fun. I give U a lot of respect, and your advice is the best. There's no one else I wish to keep my friendship with as much as you, because without you, what would I do? Well, the moral of this poem is to say thanks for never thinking I'm dumb or making fun of something I say! Just know I'll love you more and more each day!
I kEeP iT rEaL aNd ThAtS a PrOmIsE...i MaY bE a BiTcH bUt AtLeAsT iM hOnEsT...
wHeN i WaLk By.... YoU sToP aNd StArE...
wElL kEeP oN lOoKiNg BiTcH... CuZ i SuRe DoNt GiVe A fUcK...
I hAvE mY oWn LiFe AnD sTyLe...NoT tRyInG tO pLeAsE yOu Or MaKe YoU sMiLe...WhEn It CoMeS tO cOmPaTiTiOn..YoU aRe So OuT!!! nOw ShUt Up...FuCkInG hAtIn' AsS bItCh'S...
aNd KeEp Me OuT oF yOuR mOuTh CuZ i SuRe AiNt
No MoThA fUcKiN' dIcK!!!!
fUcK tHe FaKe!!! Oh YaH bY tHe WaY....
tHaNkS fOr MaKiNg Me ThE cEnTeR oF yOuR lAmE aSs WoRlD!!!...
mUaHz LoVe YaH...lMaO...
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J bOoTy /