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It's A bOy!

About Me

WELL... where do i start!! My name is Dora, and no not Dora the Explorer!! God I hate that!!! I'm from the small town of woodland. I recently graduated from High Tech Ins. ( June 15th, 2006) as a MEDICAL ASSISTANT!! I plan to persue my career in the medical feild!I LOVE to hang out with my family!! My baby girl Kianna Marie Tamayo and the love of my life Marcos Antonio Tamayo! I dont know where I'd be without you BABY!! He's been there for me through the goods and the bads! Even the times when i didn't deserve it!! I LOVE YOU!! My mother( LYDIA JUAREZ MUNIZ) passed away (MARCH 13TH, 2005)two weeks after I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. She's is my hero. Raised me on her own. I wish she could be here to see how much i've accom plished and how i've grown into a young woman. I know shes watching over me and is proud. I guess it's true what they say: YOU REALLY DONT APPERCIATE SOMEONE UNTIL THEIR GONE! Honor, Respect, and love your parents, while their still here for you. There really isn't much to me! I CAN BE THE GREATEST PERSON YOU'LL EVER MEET!!!!!! love layout @ HOT
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My Interests

Going to the movies, Hanging out with the familia..Basketball, Being Lazy!!!, sleeping..Spending too much money Shopping....

I'd like to meet:

Jay Hernandez Damm he's so FINE!!


RNB, Rock in ESponal, Reggaton, Slow jams & Oldies are the BEST!!


Brown sugar, The Notebook...How cute.. Closer "Damm Cheaters"!!!
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Whatever's On


There's no time to READ...But when i don have time, i'll get stuck on a book until it's finished!!!


MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

My MoM...

Tomarrow is my mom's 49th birthday.or should i said would have been. it brings tears to my eyes knowing that this is the 3rd birthday not been able to see her and give her a kiss. or just telling her ...
Posted by Dora on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:40:00 PST