Like I said I love cars. Cars, Baby Phat, Cars, Baby Phat, and uhmm.. BABBA aka ENABi. @--- 07.21.02
Anyone not looking for love from me, I guess? All I can say is Krys got me on this thing and if you want love you're gonna have to get it from her, if she'll give it to you, that is.
Hmm, stored in the wonderful iPOD is some rap, reggae, reggaeton, r&b, hip hop, and some weird trance/party stuff, and last but not least Rod Stewart's Have I Told You Lately. Rod Stewart, I love you too. :-)
BELLY. The Devil Wears Prada, The King and I, The Sound of Music, Finding Nemo, Shrek. Some other favorites include Hans Christian Anderson and Where the Boys aren't .11. :-)
Can't forget my lovely sisters of Chi Zeta Sigma Sorority, Inc. You girls mean the world to me, thanks for helping this dream come along...
And to my brothers, I miss all of you!
Love you guys!
I'm reading The Odyssey right now and it's real good. Uhmm, there are so many books on the list that I can't name one single favorite. Maybe Catcher In the Rye. That was my favorite book all throughout high school. It's a must.
GOD-- Thank you for providing me with the strength I need to live life every day.
Sometimes I can't help but feel LOST...
Daniel & I on Chrissy's Birthday
Us in Nov. '05
THROWBACK -- Oct. 2002
Just my wonderful husband :-)
Gotta Love the Fam
sister, husband, moi...hookah-ing. lol
And of Course, Friends... Thanks for everything ;-)