Valerio Rizzotti was born on May, 11th, 1980, in Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy.
After a diploma in Humanistic Disciplines at the High School in 1999, in 2005 he gets a laurea in Economy and Mangement of Show Business.
Guitarist and composer, after having studied classical guitar at the Conservatory for almost twenty years, he specializes in modern music, working – since 1994 – as a session man, and playing with several rock bands.
Since 2003, he is guitar/vox in the prog band ATTO IV (, with whom he recorded a debut album in 2005 (“A parteâ€; Videoradio), having played with some important international artists.
Since 2002, he’s been composing music for some indipendent theatre's groups.
In 2006 he starts to organize musical events, producing and organizing some dates of Tony Levin (bass player for Peter Gabriel and King Crimson) , during his “Resonator Tour†in Italy.
Since 1998 he is a guitar teacher.
Ten years after – in 2008 – he founded in his city DECIBEL, a reharsal studio for bands with a music school in it.