Member Since: 10/05/2008
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Theodore QettSevOn
6 Years Dreaming Wisconsin Productions
Copyright 20 Jan 2009
All Rights Reserved
Influences: BEAUTY
Words of Empowerment
Affirmations are used to help to empower you to move through emotional blockages. These blockages, which reside in your subconscious mind, may be limiting your opportunities to experience life to the fullest. You can use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind in any direction that you consider desirable.
Every time you make a mental affirmation, your subconscious mind hears it and adjusts towards the reality of that statement. The subconscious mind does not filter, it just acts on your statements. It is important, therefore, that you feed yourself positive thoughts about who you are.
A great way to start is to make a habit of using the classic affirmation,
“Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.â€
Ignore any skepticism that arises inside you when you start doing this. That’s just the automatic response which comes from resistance to change. Remember, for every action in life, there is an opposite and equal reaction. When you launch into an action which will cause change, resistance to change can manifest as the automatic, opposite reaction. Just carry out your action regardless. Keep going with your daily affirmations, and this will become a habit that constantly improves your life.
The phrase used in the Infinite Being Meditation is extremely powerful. “I am Infinite Being†is an affirmation of your oneness with the consciousness from which all life sprang.
If you find issues arising from this, such as feeling unworthy to be aligned with All That Is, then just let those thoughts go and bring your focus back onto the phrase. You do not have to justify the words or settle any internal argument about them just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said that you “should†think in this life.
Maintain the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let the issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you repeat this affirmation, you strengthen your realization of your connection with Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts then become healed in the light of the greater truth.
Unconditional, holistic love is the answer to all of life’s challenges. We are here on Earth to learn how to love ourselves and others. We are here to accept ourselves and others completely, and without judgment.
At this point, some people may ask, “Are you supposed to love someone who is determined to be non-loving?†The secret here is that there is a difference between an acceptance of the outer beliefs of a person and an acceptance of their inner essence. Regardless of that person’s outward belief system, and whether you agree with it or not, it is the inner essence of the person that you learn to recognize, love and accept.
The secret is that unconditional love will heal the world, and there is no shortage of its supply. The universe is permeated by, and held together by, the love aspect of the One Creator. The universe was created by three fundamental aspects of original consciousness - intent, love and motion. Love is the medium that fills all of the universe, while the intent of the One Creator holds that universe together within its embrace.
Love is not something that you generate. It is something that you allow to flow through you. You have only to allow it to flow in order to experience its wonder.
Every part of space, every part of matter and every part of your being is filled with the love of Creation. So, the next time you feel a little down, just remember one thing.
Love is in the air.
It really is!
God The All That Is
The Hubble telescope has done more to stretch our view of the size of the universe than any invention in history. Remember, no matter how vast the universe may be, that which created the universe is even vaster still.
Have the days of a personal God come to an end, or are we even closer to the One Creator than ever before? As with many “This or that†questions in the New Reality, the answer turns out to be “Yes and yes. This and that.â€
The One Creator, God The All That Is - the original consciousness that we refer to as Infinite Being - is greater than all the galaxies, for these are contained within its consciousness. And, while we consciously see ourselves as tiny parts of that vastness, in truth, deep within, we are all of that vastness. The deepest part of your consciousness is the One. There is no separation within that ultimate level of consciousness. The All is the One, just as the One is the All.
When you develop your meditation practice to begin to sense an inner realization of unity with All That Is, then you are sensing that you are no longer a tiny part of the vast Infinite Being. Instead, you sense the truth that you are Infinite Being. You are the Creation and you are the Love that holds that Creation in manifestation. You are closer to God The All That Is than ever before, because you allowed yourself to contact that realization of unity which lies within all things.
The keyword of the Old Reality was separation. Separation has been the theme of consciousness on Earth for thousands of years. We have separated into tribes, then countries and empires. We have separated, or divided, ourselves by race, sex and religion.
We have even separated our own consciousness further from its source, focusing it firmly in the external world and away from the light within. Intuition and the inner aspects of the five senses have been largely ignored in order to focus upon the game of life, and the game plan has revolved around separation.
We have even been separated from the records of our experiences over the countless millennia prior to current, recorded history. In this materially-focused world of separation, we don’t even know who we are as a human race, where we came from, or how we came to be living on this one small planet within the vastness of the universe.
The Shift, however, allows the human race to set sail in the direction of integration, where we will find answers to these and many vital questions.
The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of inner integration. Integration, basically, means people learning how to love themselves and how to love others.
Integration invokes a sense of wholeness. An integrated self no longer has the opposing parts which foster the inner tensions that promote a lack of self-love and self-acceptance. When people love and accept themselves, they can love and accept others unconditionally. This opens the door for the development of an inner sense of the connectedness of all life. Other people can then be seen as simply other expressions of the same fundamental Infinite Being.
All people are seen as one, with the universe within them, and not something separate that is outside of themselves.
Opposites do still exist in a world of integration - the opposite sex, the opposite poles of a battery, the opposite sides of a coin; but these all complement each other rather than causing a sense of division.
As our sense of inner integration continues to develop throughout The Shift, we will find that our previously separate compartments of consciousness begin to join together. The subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds only have to function separately during times when the issue of separation is being explored. Intuition and conscious telepathy, for example, will become progressively easier to develop.
Integration is a viewpoint. With it, you see life as a harmonious and complementary variety of thought, feeling and action. With it, your life constantly unfolds as a true symphony of your own, spiritually planned purpose, as a dance of meaning and synchronicity with everyone in your life.
Karma, in the popular view, is often perceived as the bogey man of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.
Karma is simply reflectance. Reflectance is a property of the universe. Therefore, life reflects what you project. This principle of reflectance or karma states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of whatever you project.
Whenever you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body’s subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic potential, your “karmic pattern,†as it influences your circumstances to adapt into a form where the new reality will be able to manifest and operate.
Reflectance, sooner or later, produces manifestation. Therefore, if you don’t like something in your life, the most powerful way to change it is to discover how you have generated that reflection. Then change your point of view - the beliefs, viewpoints and energies that you put into your life - so that the reflection is changed.
It’s just like the law in physics: “For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.†This law goes much deeper than just a law of mechanical motion. It is how the universe is designed at all levels.
Reflectance is entirely automatic. There is no judge. No one looms over you, threatening retribution for imaginary sins. However, because this law of life is automatic, you have to be the one to initiate change. It will not come to you until you take the initiative, until you create the action so that there can be a reaction.
If you seek more happiness from life, the mirror of life will shine more happiness back upon you, just as soon as you decide, within yourself, to become a happier person. Then it will reflect your new reality.
Your power lies in how you respond to the circumstances which have been created in your life. Circumstances, within themselves, are inherently neutral. It is human judgment that assigns positive and negative values to those circumstances. It is a paradox of life that the challenges of difficult times can produce the most happiness in the end.
Remember that if “bad†circumstances are affecting you, it is often not because of some “bad†way that you thought or behaved in the past, but because you planned your life so that it would present certain challenges. How you respond to those challenges is the whole point of the exercise. The strongest steel is that which is quenched from great heat and the most compassionate heart is that which has seen great suffering in the world.
Your viewpoint is your response to the picture that life presents, and it is totally under your control. Your viewpoint determines what energies you will put into life and therefore what the mirror of life will reflect back.
When you see behind the illusion of separation and, instead, connect with the unity of all life, you have awakened.
Human life on Earth was designed to explore the concept of separation from other people, separation from your environment and separation from the universe on all levels. This is achieved by the projection of unified consciousness into an infinite variety of objects of apparent separation.
When you reach a deep enough meditative state to experience the oneness that underlies all of reality, then you have arrived at the main destination of the journey through life on Earth. Once you experience your unity with the universe and all that it contains, you realize many things. You realize that you have always had this connection, that you always will have this connection, and that nothing can ever take it away.
Awakening brings an aliveness and a great sense of love for life in all of its forms. Upon awakening, you realize that your friends are not just people with whom you share a mutual love. You realize that you and your friends are one, that you share a common empathy and a mutual kindness, one that knows no boundaries of self.
You are the One that always was, even before time was created.
True beauty lasts forever because it lives within the human heart.
True beauty can be seen in your eyes and sensed in your aura. It is that secret, ‘certain something’ that exists within people who radiate great personal magnetism. People with loving hearts radiate true beauty wherever they go.
When you allow unconditional love to flower within you, when you love the spiritual spark that is within yourself and within other people, then your beauty shines for all to see.
This article was written by Owen Waters, author of
"The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"
Sounds Like: BEAUTY
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Major