Hanging out with friends who feel like family, traveling, Saturday night poker games, spending time with the fam, sushi, a giant cherry coke and a box of Sour Jacks in a dark theatre, a great book you can't put down, guilty pleasure DVD purchases, my vast nerd collection, visits back to Missouri, getting my brain around a new story, a good gaming session that gets people talking the next day, etc.
Anyone willing to lend a helping hand in getting the word out about my first novel, The Barren Twelve.
My Must-See Tivo List currently includes: The Office, Lost, BSG, & Survivor. Also a big fan of Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm and a handful of embarrassing reality shows.
Titles include: In the Lake of the Woods, The Stand, His Dark Materials, LOTR, Odd Thomas, The Gunslinger, The Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends, and dozens of other fantasy novels.
Anyone with the desire, perseverance, and discipline to follow their dreams.