cyre a.k.a robb jewelz profile picture

cyre a.k.a robb jewelz

About Me

FRENCH CITY'S::.""CYRE""""//"AKA"// ""ROBB JEWELZ""""..//..,.....!!../..., .LAVA-ISLE"S RAWEST.!!!......................its just music......we love it in many genres,...THATS WHY I CANT BE PIGEONHOLDED IN A CERTAIN VIBE,IM EXPERIMENTAL....LIKE I SAID ITS JUST MUSIC,,,IF YOU ONLY SEE THAT DIMENSION OF IT....??!!!!!!!.. peace 2 MY MANS.."""the boom-bap-cats...go check them out up here on ............THESE ARE JUST LITTLE SESSIONS DONE HERE AND THERE..,however ...they happen 2 be done.!!!!!! .."SEWER..!!..sessions"..

My Interests


Member Since: 13/11/2005
Band Members: ..CyRE..-"A,KEY,OF..,YAYE.-ROBBED " , AND WHATS LEFT OF JEWELZ.." ??.......,
Influences: the mighty wu-tang clan all the way 2 metallica and hendrix the list is endless.......
Sounds Like: white trash grunge rap ,sewersession classic hip hop ... sounds are so vast and various,
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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