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I am here for Friends

About Me

I think, therefore I'm single. ~Lizz Winstead
Men weren't really the enemy - they were fellow victims suffering from an outmoded masculine mystique that made them feel unnecessarily inadequate when there were no bears to kill. ~Betty Friedan
It starts when you sink in his arms and ends with your arms in his sink. ~Author Unknown
To me, "sexual freedom" means freedom from having to have sex. ~Lily Tomlin
I wish someone would have told me that, just because I'm a girl, I don't have to get married. ~Marlo Thomas
I am an intactivist, lactivist and a feminist.
I act like the sweetest kindest girl but deep down inside I am ruthless.
I can and will tear you apart if I feel the need.
I don't buy Proctor and Gamble products.
When I smile your heart will melt- and when I'm mad at you, you'll feel like the entire world is crashing around you.
I sound like a teenager.
I am naive but I am not stupid.
I actually enjoy working in customer service.
I'm not a typical girl. Not even close.
I support the legalization of marijuana.
I am passionate about the things I believe in. But I am also open minded.
I never fed my son formula.
My daughter is named after Betty Page, Marilyn Monroe and Robert Kennedy.
I have the best friends in the world!
I love to be drunk dialed. It thrills me like nothing else.
I don't support the war in Iraq.
I can't dance. But I love to dance. So I'm often out trying to get the dance badly.
I don't support Bush.
I believe in reincarnation.
I don't believe in routine infant circumcision.
I hate SUV's.
I am prochoice.
I was raised by my dad.
I fully support giving funding to other countries for protection and contraception.
I think the idea of a national language is ridiculous.
I think we either need to allow gays to marry or we need to make marriage illegal for everyone.
I am and always have been "drug free".
I use the word awesome a lot.
I confuse people.
I love to shock people. I am nothing like people think
and when they start to learn more about me,they are often very shocked.
I will tell you anything and everything about me if you act interested. I want to know everything about everyone as well.
I am emotionally distant from almost everyone. Don't take it personally. It doesn't mean I don't like you.
I prefer to use humor to cope with life. If it offends you then I am sorry.
Anything you need to know...message me.

My Interests

I have tons of interests. Listing them all would take all day so I'll keep it short and sweet.

I am interested in people and their lives. If you want to have a friend that finds your life absolutely fascinating- you've found me.
I am interested in making the world a better place.
Medical stuff
Religious stuff
The 80's
History in general
Sex Therapy
Making new friends and connecting with old friends. I have been out of the "loop" for far too long.
Learning to dance. Haha
Video Games.
I need someone new to play video games with. Hit me up.

My babies of course. The list continues but who has the time?

I'd like to meet:

People who love to dance.
People who make me laugh.
People who like to debate.
People who stand up against rape and other injustices.
People who can handle a good religious debate.
School friends.
Friends with kids because play dates are fun.
I'd also like to find some long lost friends.
Also I'd love to meet Angela and Lucy!

I'd also like someone to:
Wander aimlessly through life with.
hold hands with.
walk through old cemeteries with, and old ghost towns.
obsess over history with.
share all of life's laughter and be amused by life's sadness with.
argue about ridiculous stuff with.
have inside jokes with.
motivate me.
make me feel amazing.
appreciate me.
take stupid pictures with.
play dress up with me.
tell offensive jokes to.


Smashing Pumpkins
Shiny Toy Guns
Echo and the Bunnymen
Pat Benatar
White Snake
Steve Miller Band
The Cure
Billy Idol
Tone Loc
Old Ska Music. I'm not sure why....
Depeche mode
Pet Shop Boys
Music from the 50's
Tears For fears
Justin Timberlake even though it's getting really annoying
The Kooks
The Smiths
The Cardigans
Death Cab for Cutie
Polaroid Kiss
Modest Mouse
Billy Squire
Bloc Party
The Fratellis
♥The Feeling♥
The Subways
Franz Ferdinand
Black Rebel Motorcycycle Club
The Enemy
Dirty Pretty Things
The Thrills
Meg and Dia (they’re from Utah)
Sir Mix A Lot- haha

You know who I hate with a passion?
Panic of the Disco
Nickle Back
Whatever that guys name is with the whiny voice
Pretty much everything on the radio

If it's in my phone it's probably music that annoys me. That's what motivates me to pick up my phone and talk to you. :)


I like Tim Burton movies. I also like old Sci Fi movies.

I like Boys Don't Cry!
I like Donnie Darko!
I like Where the Heart is
I like old Marilyn Monroe movies

I like cult classics.


I ♥ aquateen hunger force
I ♥ the simpsons
I ♥ prison break
I enjoy Breaking Point.
I enjoy Arrested Development. :(
I enjoy Intervention.
I usually just watch whatever.
I hate sports
24 24 24 24


I used to miss my ex but my aim is improving by Alison James
Feminist Fairy Tales by Barbara G. Walker
Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov
Leaving My Father's House by Marion Woodman
The kiss by Katherine Harrison
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
The disappearance by Philip Wylie
Out of The Shadows by Patrick Carnes Ph.D.
Other Lives, Other Selves, Roger Woolger, Ph.D


My dad
My kids
My friends
Anyone strong

My Blog

Should a man have a legal right to be in the room with a woman giving birth to his potentional

child?     As a woman and a mother, a mother that has given birth a few times, I would have to say no. Here's why. It's a medical procedure. Anything can go wrong. If something does go ...
Posted by Action not available on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 03:31:00 PST

As I approach my 24th birthday

I find myself in a "good place." I'm finally happy and free. I'm free from the bad choices I've made in the past, and I felt I was free from making anymore bad choices. At least not to the same extent...
Posted by Action not available on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:23:00 PST

Choice for men - advice for men- bumping this back up-again

If all goes well you will not get the extra option to back out of parenting responsibilities if a woman CHOOSES to give birth to your child. If she aborts then you both go on with your lives- but if s...
Posted by Action not available on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:16:00 PST

Update on Carter’s situation

So Carter's dad didn't contact me at all regarding Christmas. Despite the fact that we are only a few miles from his home every weekend, he was with Carter until he was two years old, and he is his on...
Posted by Action not available on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:57:00 PST

Die Hard Myspace Mommies

Annoy the shit out of  me. Excluding the ladies I consider to be my friends. I'll say this now: Get a life. Please. There is more to life than Myspace. Having coffee with your real friends is mor...
Posted by Action not available on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:33:00 PST

I’ve come to realize

The "I've come to realize" survey.(Stolen from Melissa)1. I've come to realize that, my last ex:was a near perfect fit for me... and that's not a good thing. I'm fucked up. 2. I've come to realize tha...
Posted by Action not available on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:22:00 PST

Mulling this over...

I'm thinking about tying my tubes. I'm thinking about cutting away the part of me that represents my femininity. It's been both a blessing and a curse. It's been the source of my greatest joy and my g...
Posted by Action not available on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 05:13:00 PST

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking When you think of slaves you often think of ancient history or the American south. You rarely think of the small Mexican girl working in the house of ill repute. You don't think o...
Posted by Action not available on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 07:31:00 PST

official announcement

I'm really struggling with this whole work, school, and kids thing. I was offered a position at work that would provide benefits then I heard them discussing it and it seems that they've changed their...
Posted by Action not available on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:01:00 PST

Why am I prochoice? - Orginally posted in FEB 2007

Because I trust women to decide what is right for them and their body.Because if they start to limit it, it may become unavailable for women that really need it. Example: medical reasons. Because a fe...
Posted by Action not available on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST