EL FUTBOL..parties.. chillen..chivas#1 MYSPACE.COM/LASCHIVASBOFO
The mexican national soccer team there going all the way %D%A%D%A%D%A ..%D%A%D%A
1;Que onda raza! Get more at ChidoSpace.com %D%A%D%A
1;Que onda raza! Get more at ChidoSpace.comGIO
.. - Get Your Own
any music that u can party too .. well except cuntry i hate that s******the beach
.. - Get Your Own
MTV any music channel , Discoverychannel , history channel, commedy central any other channel oooo any thing that shows soccerCHIVAS!!!QUE GOLAZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I hate boooooooooooooks.. except the BIBLE-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="350" width="425" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/czaV_14MSEA"
MY parents and my bros and the DAVIDSON WORRIORS varcity soccer team were ..1ANDRES GUARDADO