My family, my aminals, THE Revolution, Mother EARTH, Movies & Movie making, Music, the Mayan Calender, Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Treating others the way I would prefer to be treated, the Sun, Rockin' out with my cock out, camping, Cars, the Mass Consciousness, Swimming, the Universe, Hiking, and Knowledge... not in any particular order.
Ron Paul, George Romero, The Dalia Lama, John Stewart, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Lloyd Kaufman (again). People's spirits that are currently free from the mortal flesh: My Mom (meet her now as I'm an adult), Joe Strummer, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Marley, Buddha, Frank Sinatra, and John Lennon.
Couldn't live without it.
Zeitgeist, Sicko, Thank You For Smoking, Fahrenheit 911, Suopersize Me, Bowling For Columbine, Predator, Azumi, Star Wars (Entire Series), Straight To Hell, the Deaths of Ian Stone, Clerks, Reservoir Dogs, Aliens, Licensed to Wed, the Matrix (Entire Series), Michael Clayton, Nothing, Sars Wars, Pulp Fiction, Akira, Good Luck Chuck, Murder Party, Ghostbusters (Both Films), Versus ...just to name a VERY few!
The Expectant Father, Rules for Radicals, the Thief of Always
Anyone who is true to themselves and those around them, also people who love their Mother (Earth and Paternal). P.L.U.R. = Peace Love Unity Respect