basically, each and every one of you...i created you but i did not make you what you are so if you are here to complain and bitch about it, dont expect me to reply -however i still love you....if you are one of those square "pointdexterous" personalities, i still love you too, however you have no need for me to be in your friends lists, i am more interested in meeting the fucked up, those who are on the verge of self-destruction, the junkies, the ones who are going nowhere and are getting there fast, the ones who are constantly sinking deeper and deeper into the quicksand of evil...fucked up teenage girls with a lot of sexual and emotional issues are usually the types i deal with but anybody who's got something to say is interesting for me...... it should depend more on your desire to meet me, and not mine...if i choose to meet you, then be grateful but it is only because you have been chosen...also if i could only meet those guys who were responsible of distorting my image all these years...i still love them all the same but if only i could just give them a little divine heavenly tune-up....