If it was anyone and I mean anyone, it would probably be my grandpa Les who died when I was 8. He was a master fabricator/machinist for Northrup and worked on space travel and top secret or skunk works projects. He was also an original old school greaser that built hot rods from scratch in the 50's and 60's. I would love to learn some of the old school methods and build a car with him. And my other grandpa Richard "big dick" Shewmaker, who was my other grandpa's boss and the best man you could ever meet. I would also like to say R.I.P. to the following people that were a big part of my life: Les Meyers(grandpa), Jeanette Meyers(aunt), Jean Meyers(grandma),Richard Shewmaker(grandpa), Mike Meyers(uncle), I love you all and look up to all of you.