~{{Ja'Kori}}~ profile picture


Oh word?! I like me 2!! ♥♥♥

About Me

Hey everybody! My name is ♥♥Ja'Kori♥♥ and I am finally a SENIOR at lame ol' Cedar Ridge High School in H-Vegas(Hillsborough for you guys who haven't heard, you're definitely NOT the ONLY ones). I work 2 jobs ( yea, I gotta stay on my grind...lol). I am a very fun and outgoing person (at least that's what I think) but if you ask my friends...they would just say that I'm CRAZY as hell. Anything else you wanna know?? What are you waitin' for?? Get at me!! ♥♥WELCOME 2 MY SPACE♥♥ Myspace Online Now Icons
This profile was tweaked at Gazzump.com
Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started:: 8:01
Basic About you:
Name:: Ja'Kori...duh!
Gender:: Female
Height:: 5'3'' and 3/4
Eye color:: Dark brown
Hair Color:: Dark brown with red highlights
Age:: 17
Birthday:: January 10th
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Lefty!
Piercings:: 4 in my ears
Tatoos:: None...for now
Zodiac Sign:: Capricorn
Ring Size:: I don't know
Grade:: 12th
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: No...
Do you live in the moment?: I don't know
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Not a lot
Do you have any secrets?: Yep, yep
Do you hate yourself?: Nope
Do you like your handwriting?: Yea
Do you have any bad habits?: Probably
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yea...I'm 2 cool
Any regrets?: Yea
Do you think life has been good so far?: Not all the time
Are you confident?: Yea...at times
How long does it take you to shower?: 10-12 minutes (sometimes longer)
What color is your room?: Red
Where do you want to attend college?: A&T or WSSU
Do you...?
Smoke?: ...
Do drugs?: Nope
Drink?: ...
Go to church?: Yea
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yea
Take walks in the rain?: Heck naw
Talk to people even if you hate them?: No, I don't consider myself 2-faced
Drive?: Yep
Believe in premarital sex?: Yep
Want to get married?: Yep
Want to go to college?: Yep
Want to have children?: Yep
Sing in the shower?: Sometimes
Get along with you parents?: Sometimes...Dad died tho'
Get along with your sibling/s?: Only child
Color/highlight your hair?: Yep
Like coffee?: Starbucks all day babay!
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: Nope
Love roller coasters?: Yep
Like to cook?: Nope...but I like to eat!
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : Nope
Been out of the country?: Yep
Been in love?: Definitely
Done drugs?:
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
Had surgery?: Nope
Played strip poker?: Nope
Been on stage?: Yep
Pulled an all nighter?: Yep
Gone one day without food?: Heck naw
Slept all day?: Yep
Kissed a stranger?: Nope
Had a dream that came true?: Yep
Broken the law?: Yep
Stolen anything?: Nope
Been on radio/tv?: Yep...my commercial for my job
Been in a mosh-pit?: Nope
Bungee jumped?: Nope
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Not that I can remember
Gone out of state?: Yep
Live in other states?: Nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Nope
Had a movie marathon?: Yep
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Yep...lol
Been on a plane?: Yep, but never again
Ran into a wall?: On accident
Been rejected by a crush?: Nope
Cried in public?: Yep!
Cried over a movie?: Yep!
Pranked called someone?: He, he
Gotten a cavity?: Nope
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: Nope b/c they're 2 expensive
Broken a bone?: Nope
Fallen from a tree?: He,he...does a tree house count??
Passed out?: Nope
Been to a theme park?: Yep
Eaten sushi?: Yep...
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King:: Mickey D's
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Both
Black or White:: Black
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Hot dogs
Boxers or breifs:: Boxers
Book or magazine:: Magazine
TV or radio:: Both
is the glass half empty or half full:: What????
sun or moon:: Moon
hot or cold:: Neither...in between
romantic comedy or thriller:: Thriller
waffles or pancakes:: Both
Florida or california:: FLA
Black and white or color photos:: Black and White
The city, the beach, OR the country:: The city and the beach
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Both
Sweet or sour:: Both
Private or publie school:: Public
Cappuccino or coffee:: Both
English or history:: English
Science or math:: Math
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: Yep
in magic?: Nope
in God?: Duh
in Satan?: Ewww...
in ghosts?: Yep
in luck?: Yep
in love at first sight?: Yep
in Santa?: No!
in the Easter Bunny?: No!
in witches?: No!
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: No!
in wishing on shooting stars?: ???
that cussing is a necessity in life?: Yep!
yourself?: Sometimes
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: Sometimes
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: What??
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Yep!
What is worst about the opposite sex?: Lying and cheating
Who and when was your first crush?: ???
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Face...then personality (that's the key)
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: Tank and some jeans
What are you worried about?: Nothin'
What book are you reading?: Nothin'
What time is it?: 8:17
Are you bored?: Yep!
Are you tired?: Heck yea!
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: I was talkin' to Jay's retarded self
Are you lonely or content?: I'm content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: No
The Last...
Dream you had:: ???
Nightmare:: Somebody I knew keyed my car! What a nightmare!
Time you cried:: ???
Movie you watched:: ATL
Movie you rented:: A lot of movies
Book you read:: ???
Word you said:: Bye
Time you laughed:: At Jay
Person to call you:: Jay
CD you played:: Chris Brown
Song you listened to:: Janet Jackson and Nelly
annoyance:: My mama
IM sent or recieved:: ???
Time you yelled:: At my mama
Person you yelled at:: My mama
time you were a skirt:: ???
time you fought with your parents:: Everyday
Time you wished on a shooting star:: ???
Thing you ate:: Sandwich
Time you showered:: This morning
Nail polish color worn:: Pink
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: Trident gum (the orange pack)
Restaurant:: I
Season:: Summer
Type of weather:: Rainy days
Emotion:: Happy
Color:: Pink and green!
Perfume:: CK-Summer
Candy:: Gummy Bears
Pizza topping:: Meat
Fruit:: All type
Veggie:: String beans
Type of cake:: UM?
Magazine:: VIBE
TV Show:: Too many to name
Day of the week:: Friday and Saturday
Month:: January
Holiday:: Christmas
Number:: ???
Sport to watch:: Basketball and football
Flower:: ???
Time Finished:: 8:23
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My Interests

Goin' shoppin' w/ my friends, goin' to the movies, and jus' chillin' around the house.

I'd like to meet:

I would ♥♥♥ to meet sexy ass Trey Songz! I ♥♥♥ him!


I ♥♥♥ RAP AND R&B! I'm not gonna lie tho'...I do sometimes listen to a lil' bit of pop music (only b/c I have no choice @ work).


I ♥♥♥ any scary movie! My otha favorite movie in particular is "Get Rich or Die Tryin'". 50 looks so damn GOOD in this movie! ATL has also just been added on the list of my favorite movies!


One On One (when I get a chance to watch it), All of Us, Girlfriends, The Hills, Flavor of Love, America's Most Wanted, and Laguna Beach all day baby!


Anything by Zane!


My daddy who I ♥♥♥ (May 27, 1997). You will never be forgotten! Muah!